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凶犯当场被抓住。The murderer was caught red-handed.

凶犯立即被拘捕了。The murderer was at once apprehended.

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凶犯趁机逃进了附近的一个楼梯间。The assailant fled down a nearby stairwell.

一名被判谋杀罪的凶犯越狱了。A convicted murderer has broken out of prison.

据报道凶犯已自杀。It was given forth that the murderer had killed himself.

奥姆斯特德说警方赶到时,凶犯辱骂警方并把头颅扔向警察“。Olmstead said the man later taunted police and dropped the head in front of them.

凶犯进入酒店时曾在门口用手机发短信,酒店的监视系统录下了他的行踪。His entrance to the hotel had been caught on surveillance tape while he was texting.

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那么监狱长倒把凶犯和疯犯同时摆脱掉了?So that the governor got rid of the dangerous and the crazy prisoner at the same time?

在下一个停车处,凶犯下了车去吸烟,和另外一位年轻的女士站在一起。We went to the next stop and he got off and had a smoke with another young lady there.

对于谋杀三名Ahmadis成员的凶犯无力的回应看上去给别人带去了鼓励。The feebleness of the response to the murders of the three Ahmadis seems to have encouraged others.

接到一起凶犯进入家庭的报案后,机动队警官们在黎明时赶到了在南面的出事现场。Tactical officers were called to the south-side home at dawn with reports of a domestic disturbance.

卡顿说凶犯在车上最初的一个小时内并没有坐在受害者的身旁。The suspect had been on the bus about an hour and initially did not sit near the victim, Caton said.

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当凶犯落网后,他向警方供认,自己并不认识那位女士,他只是“喜欢杀人”而已。Later arrested , he told police that he didn't know the lady but " just felt like killing somebody ".

卡顿称凶犯是在距波提普雷里大概80英里以西马尼巴托省的布兰登上车的。Caton said the attacker boarded the bus in Brandon, Manitoba, about 80 miles west of Portage La Prairie.

他按着自己的形象造了人,杀人的凶犯不仅损伤了神的形象,更是表现出对神的不敬。He made man in His own image and anyone who kills a man is not only defacing God's image but greatly dishonoring Him.

本周,在斯洛伐克首都布拉迪斯拉发发生枪杀事件,凶犯在造成7人死亡,14人受伤后饮弹自尽。This week a gunman in the Slovak capital, Bratislava, killed seven people and injured 14, before shooting himself dead.

萨尔瓦多和马其顿等国的特种部队正在参加追剿复兴党党徒和恐怖凶犯的行动。Special forces from El Salvador , Macedonia, and other nations are helping to find and defeat Baathist and terrorist killers.

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警方已将该未知凶犯同至少八桩性侵案或针对65岁至91岁妇女的未遂袭击联系起来。Police have linked the unknown assailant to at least eight sexual assaults or attempted assaults on women ranging in age from 65 to 91.

当凶犯冲向卡顿三人时他们飞快地离开了巴士,并关闭了巴士的门,凶犯通过门的缝隙向他们猛砍。The attacker turned toward them and the three men quickly left the bus, blocking the door as the attacker slashed at them through an opening.

而在案发现场发现的沾血的毛巾和窗帘,也只能证实肯尼和凶犯有相同的血型。As for the bloody towels and curtains recovered from the crime scence, they established only that Kenny had the same blood type as the murderer.