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你一再受诱惑。You are then allured.

斯卡夫夙昔一再漫步。Scarf used to take a stroll.

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谢尔曼一再使用这一招。This happened again and again.

他一再提问使我腻烦。He importuned me with questions.

他一再向我强调这些文件的重要。He hammered away at the paper to me.

救世主也总是一再受难。The savior is also recurrently crucified.

他一再遵嘱我一路小心。He urges me to be careful again and again.

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TFA我一再听到这个术语。TFA, TFA—I heard that over and over again.

猴子一再追打苍蝇。The monkey chases it away again and again.

正如莎丽对我一再强调的,她是一个明星。As Sally repeatedly told me, she is a star.

他一再错失良机。He goofed up one opportunity after another.

这个问题会一再出现。The problem would be repeated ad infinitum.

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他一再用白垩粉擦他的球杆尖。He chalked his billiard cue again and again.

我儿子一再要求我给他买件新衬衫。My son kept on at me to buy him a new shirt.

驯服的公众接受了这个一再被重申的启事。Docile, it accepts the reiterated suggestion.

他们一再请求他把他们摆渡过河。They teased him to ferry them over the river.

他们一再探问此事。They inquired about the matter time and again.

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他一再改写第一段。He reworked the first paragraph time and again.

那里是一再发生瘟疫的策源地。There is the source of the recurring pestilence.

我们相信,这样的情况在互联网业会一再重现。We believe such flare-ups are likely to re-occur.