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两个小伸缩泡,远远分离,位于口前庭腹面。Two contractile vacuoles situated near ventral wall of infundibulum.

前庭手种红兰树,看到春风第二芽。Vestibular tree I planted red and blue, to see the second spring buds.

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人类每只耳朵有3万耳蜗毛细胞和前庭毛细胞。Humans are born with 30, 000 cochlear and vestibular hair cells per ear.

两个小伸缩泡位于口前庭的腹缘。Two small contractile vacuoles located near ventral wall of infundibulum.

警卫是在前庭的栏杆后面完成每天早上的换班的。The guards are changed in the morning in the forecourt behind the railings.

CT能准确地显示前庭导水管扩大,对指导治疗有帮助。CT can accurately show the large vestibular aqueduct, and is helpful to its therapy.

目的研究大鼠前庭神经核群向脊髓的投射纤维特征。Objective To investigate the projection from the vestibular nuclei to the spinal cord.

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前庭餐厅的前庭是非常鼓舞的打褶时装面料的设计概念。Restaurant's vestibule is highly inspired by fashion design concept of pleating fabric.

IAC内面神经及耳蜗前庭神经粗细存在个体差异。The size of the facial nerve and cochleovestibular nerve in IAC has individual difference.

听神经瘤也称为前庭神经鞘瘤,是导致听觉丧失的并不常见的原因。Also known as vestibular schwannoma, acoustic neuroma is an uncommon cause of hearing loss.

目的观察强次声波对豚鼠前庭功能的影响。Objective To define the effects of intense infrasound on vestibular function in guinea pigs.

根据患者临床表现和病史符合女阴前庭炎综合征的诊断。All the history and symptom mounted to support the diagnosis of vulvar vestibulitis syndrome.

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前庭内的脂肪瘤是非常少见的,在文献中只有极少的报道。Intravestibular lipomas are extremely rare, with only a few cases reported in the literature.

谁记得宫前庭下的酥语,一湾漓江,又禁得宴过曲散的愀然?Who remember palace vestibular crisp language, a Bay River, can have dinner music for Qiaoran?

HSN在检测前庭不对称方面比VIN和推头试验更敏感。HSN tended to be more sensitive in detecting vestibular asymmetry than VIN and head thrust sign.

如果出现呕吐,可能是呕吐中枢,或者前庭,迷走神经相关。If appear to vomit, may be to vomit the axis, or ex- court, the pneumogastric nerves is related.

目的探讨实验性膜迷路积水前庭损害的机制。Objective To explore the mechanism for the experimental vestibule damage in endolymphatic hydrops.

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目的从循证医学角度为前庭神经炎确定治疗方案。Objective To explore the methods of evidence-based treatment for the vestibular neuritis patients.

文昌鱼前端有眼点,为视觉器,下为前庭及口口叫“口笠”。" Amphioxus front of a focus for the visual, under the vestibular and word of mouth is "I enterprises.

结论听神经瘤早期临床表现为耳蜗与前庭功能异常。Conclusion The earlier performance of acoustic neuroma is the abnormal function of cochlea and forecourt.