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淀粉糖生产技术。Corn sugar technology.

什么是六西格码精益生产?What is 6 Sigma Lean ?

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他们生产纸花。They made paper flowers.

制定生产任务单。Make productive task form.

本公司生产电源开关。We produce power switches.

即使我睡着了。金库门生产厂家。And even when I go 2 sleep.

生产设备。The manufacturing facility.

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她生产孕妇服装。She makes maternity clothes.

安排生产流程是一项协调的艺术。Part flow is a balancing act.

于是捷豹汽车的生产停止了。Production of Jaguars ceases.

这种自行车是天津生产的。The bikes are made in Tianji.

为什么说过量生产“罪大恶极”?Why over-production is crime?

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谁可以生产501军团产品?Who Can Buy 501st Merchandise?

在生产区域需有洗手池。Sink needed in production area.

这台液晶高清电视机是海尔生产的。This LCD HDTV is made by Haier.

沃尔内产区只生产红酒。Volnay produces only red wines.

我们在煤炭生产方面居先。We lead in the coal production.

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哦,那他们有生产两吨装的体香棒么?Oh, do they make two-ton sticks?

我们的生产稳步上升。Our production goes steadily up.

生产规划和控制。Production planning and control.