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“,”囊中无分文,亲友不上门。An empty purse frightens many friends.

我和同性恋亲友会两位同志妈妈的合影。Me with two proud moms from PFLAG China.

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亲友们成群结队来看伊娃挤得水泄不通。Kin-folk come to see Yvonne by the dozen.

亲友们成群结队来看依凡,把这儿挤得水泄不通。Kin-folk come to see Yvonne, by the dozen.

他又一次向他的出版商亲友求助。Once again, he turned to his publisher-cousin.

施舍先及亲友,但不应到此为止。Charity begins at home,but should not end there.

他想向死者亲友表示慰问。He wanted to show his sympathy for the bereaved.

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第一届,二届同志亲友组织大会在广州举行。First and second PFLAG meetings held in Guangzhou.

我们中的一些还可以和亲友家人一起回家。Some of us have dear friends and family to go home to.

选得好。您没有任何亲友在此吗?Good choice, Do you have any friends or relatives here?

不得留宿非住宿生或亲友。Relatives and friends are not allowed to stay overnight.

UST是TW-圣光之愿服务器联盟方一亲友休閒公会。UST is a casual Alliance guild on TW-Light's Hope Realm.

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指亲友或兄弟久别重逢,在一起亲切交谈。Refers to the long-awaited family and friends or brothers?

生前众叛亲离的富豪在亲友聚会中遇害。The magnate was murdered at a gathering of relatives and friends.

做为自杀者的亲友,你也许会感到难以忍受.The emotions you feel as a survivor of suicide can be overbearing.

唐三彩还可作为高雅而珍贵的礼品用来馈赠亲友。They are also elegant and valuable presents for your kith and kin.

老少咸宜的营养饮料。馈赠亲友四季佳品。A nourishing beverage for all ages. An excellent gift in all seasons.

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他向伊萨卡和所有的亲友告别,乘船而去。Bidding farewell to Ithaca and all that he held dear, he sailed away.

传福音,盼弟兄姊妹为聚会祷告并多邀亲友参加。Brother Fandy Ku will preach the gospel. Please pray for the meeting.

会员可据此自创一本食谱书,用它馈赠亲友。Members can then create a physical cookbook. This is great for gifts.