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夜班10点钟上工。The night shift starts at 10.

五点钟,上工的汽笛声响了。At five the first hooter sounds.

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这个号码就是上工的证明。That number showed that we were taken on.

他们每天上工早收工晚。They started work early and finished late every day.

“上工治未病”是最先进的医学观。To treat the undiseased is the most advanced medical theory.

他修补了一辆旧自行车,骑车上工,省下了。He patched up an old bicycle to ride to work and save carfare.

她说你要是能知道检点,你仍旧可以回去上工。You may come back to work if you'll behave yourself, she says.

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他上工才一个星期,竟厚着脸皮要加工资。He has the cheek to ask for a rise after a week in his new job.

今晚在这里上工的人与游行罢工的人并无芥蒂。The people working here tonight have no beef with the picket line.

他因未去上工才避免在那次爆炸中罹难。He escaped being killed in the blast because he had not gone to work.

亚特兰大一名职工在她上班的办公楼绿化楼顶上工间休息。A worker in Atlanta takes a break on her office building's green roof.

劳委会推出「立即上工」计画来促进就业,您认为对失业率有帮助吗?。Do you think CLA's job finding project helps enhance the employment rate?

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对上工网在路面反射裂缝防治方面的应用做了综述。Application of geogrid in domain of anti-reflection cracking is summarized.

她在9岁时开始在一家砖厂上工,每周只能赚得几美分。At 9, she said, shebegan working in a brick factory for a few cents a week.

与此同时在后方家园,我的外祖母抚养着他们的子女,并在一条生产轰炸机的流水线上工。Back home, my grandmother raised a baby and went to work on a bomber assembly line.

韩志杰听到萧岚来看他,惊讶的以为萧岚来他们家上工。Jeff han hear xiao LAN came to see him, surprised that xiao LAN to work for their family.

她宣称,当刺青师傅上工时,自己睡著了,醒来才发现脸上有56颗星星。She claims she fell asleep while the tattooist went to work and woke up to find 56 stars on her face.

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每天,小蚂蚁很早来上工,并且一来就开始做事。她的生产力很高,并且工作很愉快。Every day, a small ant arrives at work very early and starts work immediately. She produces a lot was happy.

校园角落还有一间专属木工室,每日天光未开的清晨时分,就能看见他忙碌上工的身影。There's even a woodworking studio in one corner of the campus, where he can be seen working away every day before dawn.

先生说,他到单位换上工服,然后和单位抗洪队奔赴一线。My husband told me that he would hurry to the first line of fighting the flood together with a team which consisted of his colleagues.