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黄瓦红墙,气势雄伟。Diaolianghuadong hall, Huangwa red walls, magnificent momentum.

我又回到北京了。红墙灰瓦,大城北京。I am back to Beijing again, red wall, gray tile, Beijing gravity.

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他们来到小天井,这里四周由古老的红墙环抱。They came to the little court, which was shut in by old red walls.

红墙绿瓦的宫殿和残旧巍峨的长城又如此展开!Red green tiles and the palaces of the Great Wall and towering old so spread out!

从红墙洞穴水晶疾速和哈瓦苏溪大理石峡谷和逾越!From the Redwall Cavern to Crystal Rapid and Havasu Creek to Marble Canyon and beyond!

拍摄地点铺有红色地毯,背景为红墙饰以金色装饰物。Location covered with red carpet, red walls decorated with gold background decoration.

看那红墙黄顶,处处透露着庄严肃穆的感觉。Look at the red walls and yellow roof. It represents a sense of solemnness and seriousness.

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当我终于看到了红墙黄瓦、气势雄雄的天安门城楼耸立在我面前时,心里好有成就感!When I finally saw the grand tower with red walls and yellow tiles, I was filled with pride.

当我记下这些的时候,我正呆在上海某处酒店客房里,计算机背后是互联网络安全的红墙。AsI write this, I am sitting in a hotel room in Shanghai, behind the Great Firewall of China.

又遇春风绿柳,我回到了北京。曾经那个小姑娘的红墙灰瓦,大城北京。I am back to Beijing, the red walls and the gray tiles, the city that once belonged to the little girl.

主要叙述采用本地红墙石试制耐热瓷的工艺过程。The technological chain of producing heat-resistant porcelain with the local ban-cite was narrated in particular.

当普京的前线人员在莫斯科红墙聚集庆祝时,普京给予了他们祝贺。Mr Putin congratulated the front-runner on his lead when they appeared together at a rally in Moscow's Red Square.

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管理人员的办公室都在故宫的红墙之外,红墙之内的房间不允许安装空调。Office managers in the National Palace Museum's walls, the walls of the installation of air-conditioned rooms allow.

明式家具、红墙硫璃瓦、飞檐雕梁、方桌屏风,历代相传形成特色。Ming-style furniture, red sulphur glass tiles, upturned eave carving Liang, square table screens, a Chinese legend characteristics.

但也就在这时,人们会发现一片醒目的红墙碧瓦隐在树丛中,这就是建在武当神道上的朝天宫。But also at this time, people will find a striking red tile hidden in the bush, which is built in the Wudang Shinto Chaotian Palace.

自学室位于图书馆二楼。沿图书馆主楼外的红墙走三十米即可以见到。Study Room is located on the second floor. Walk eastward along the red wall out of the library for about 30 meters. Then you will find it.

如有订房需求,请联系位于原史家商务会馆斜对面的红墙花园酒店。If you need make reservation, please contact Red Wall Garden Hotel which located at the opposite of Shijia House as well as run under same hotel group.

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1912年,长安右门和长安左门及部分红墙被拆除,从此打通了东西长安街。In 1912, the Right and Left Chang'an Gates and some red walls were demolished, thus ensuring open access to both the West and the East Chang'an Street.

也许,大峡谷最引人注目的风貌特色是“红墙”石灰石悬崖,它耸立在裂口当中,几乎是垂直的。Perhaps the most spectacular feature of the Grand Canyon, its "Red wall" limestone cliff, stands about half way up the chasm and is practically vertical.

站在如今的红场上看列宁墓,红色和黑色的大理石已经与克里姆林宫红墙相映成趣,但金字塔式的外观仍然显示出其主人的特殊。Today's Red Square, Lenin stood watching the red and black marble has red walls exist side by side with the Kremlin, but the appearance of the pyramid is still showing its owner's special.