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雷达探测出一炮艇。A gunboat was detected by the radar.

炮艇朝陆地开炮。The gunboat opened fire on the mainland.

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我们投标造一炮艇。We bid for the construction of a gunboat.

士兵从炮艇侧弦登船。Soldiers enter the gunboat from the sides.

我方炮兵部队的炮火向他们的炮艇扫射。The fire of our artillery troops raked their gunboat.

现在的南方已经被北方的军队和炮艇所包围,似乎一切都已经失去了。The South was circled by Union troops and warships. All seemed lost.

坎贝尔上尉命令舵手驾驶炮艇。Lieutenant Campbell ordered the man at the wheel to steer for the gunboat.

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渔民们也没有说是否有其他机会确认小炮艇的身份。They did not say whether they had any other opportunities to identify the gunboat.

福克斯说,可以派遣少数军舰前往,以阻止南方炮艇的干扰。Fox said a few warships could be sent to prevent southern gunboats from interfering.

萨姆特堡四面被南方的炮火所包围,南方的炮艇守卫着这座港口。The fort was surrounded by southern artillery. Southern gunboats guarded the harbor.

其实,炮艇里的人影在电影里模糊不清、难以辨认。In reality, the figures inside the gunship are indistinct and anonymous in the movie.

美国军方常使用炮艇外交的战术来粉碎恐怖主义行动。The US military often uses the tactic of gunboat diplomacy to squelch acts of terrorism.

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科雷利亚炮艇从圆柱形驾驶舱到三组亚光速引擎长120米。The gunship is 120 meters in length, from cylindrical cockpit to triple bank of sublight engines.

卢米娜拉炮艇的机鼻标志是一个克隆人士兵结结实实地踢了杜库伯爵一脚。The nose-art on Luminara's gunship has a clone trooper quite literally giving Count Dooku the boot.

炮艇张开的双翼上有一对自动球型炮塔,使用聚合光束激光武器。The vessel's splayed wings have a pair of automated bubble-turrets, with composite-beam laser weaponry.

复制人战争时,这些机器人炮艇被部署在像是卡须克之役的战斗中。During the Clone Wars, these droid gunships were deployed at such engagements as the Battle of Kashyyyk.

该炮艇回避了科雷利亚设计中典型的多功能特性,而专为太空战设计。Eschewing the versatility typically found in Corellian designs, the gunship is designed solely for space combat.

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炮艇的弹带式火箭发射器可以根据特定任务需要使用特制的弹药。The gunship's belt-fed rocket launchers allow for specialized ordnance payloads for specific mission requirements.

炮艇的主要武器位于脊背表面,两个大型火箭发射器由安装在后部的弹带供弹。On the gunship's dorsal surface are its primary armaments, two massive rocket launchers fed by a rear-mounted missile belts.

杭多·奥纳卡在弗洛勒姆的院子堆满了剩余军事物资,包括共和国攻击炮艇艇翼和大炮。Hondo Ohnaka's compound on Florrum is filled with military surplus, including Republic attack gunship wings and artillery guns.