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另有部分我侨民搭乘澳军机或商业航班离所抵澳。A number of Chinese have taken Australia's military or commercial flight to Australia.

第五条,非德意志公民只被视为侨民居住于德国,并且必须服从侨民的相关法律。Non-citizens may live in Germany only as guests and must be subject to laws for aliens.

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在日本境内的英国侨民、朋友以及他们的亲人可以及时与外交部联系。British nationals and friends and relatives of those in Japan can contact the Foreign Office.

总结揭示出中国沿海地区新罗侨民历史遗迹研究的重要意义。Reveals the vital significance in which the historical sites of Silla people on Chinese coast.

侨民不具有留居国家的普遍肺癌率。The immigrant does not experience the lung cancer rate prevalent in his country of settlement.

由于朝鲜侨民在劳动力市场受到歧视,转向这种冒险方式来维持生计。Discriminated against in the job market, zainichi often turned to such ventures to earn a living.

作为一个在美国出生的中国人,我不算这篇华尔街日报报道里说的标准的侨民。Being an American-born Chinese, I can't claim to be one of those expats the Journal's talking about.

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应该任何一个许多的注意是否美国人男孩生活侨民获得六恶的强打在他的背后?Should anyone much care whether an American boy living overseas gets six vicious thwacks on his backside?

缅甸独立后自由同盟执政期间,华侨在缅的侨民权益基本得到了保障。The Overseas Chinese in Myanmar had their fundamental rights and interests guaranteed under AFPFL regime.

在众多抱怨和缓慢的撤侨行动中,有些亚洲国家如斯里兰卡,甚至要求8万侨民原地待命。Amid complaints of slow evacuations, Asian countries like Sri Lanka have even asked nationals to stay put.

此项调查在2008年2月到4月之间,涉及48个国家的2155名侨民,跨越四大洲。The study surveyed 2,155 expats in 48 countries, spanning four continents, between February and April 2008.

从历史的层面说,东南亚华文文学的初期阶段基本上是以“侨民文学”的形式发展起来。Historically, South-East Asian literature in Chinese language emerged in the form of "expatriate literature".

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Ratha敦促发展中国家通过发行侨民债券来挖掘其海外侨民的财富。Ratha has urged developing countries to tap the wealth of their overseas diasporas by issuing diaspora bonds.

这个历史性的大遣返行动,使葫芦岛成为战后日本侨民“生命的驿站”。This historic repatriation makes Huludao the "post house of life" for those Japanese emigrants after the war.

联合国安理会22日就利比亚局势听取了有关通报并举行了闭门磋商,中方在会上阐述了立场,呼吁尽快恢复利社会稳定并敦促利方切实保障各国在利侨民安全和合法权益不受损害,呼吁各方为各国撤侨提供便利。The UN Security Council was briefed on the Libyan situation and held closed-door consultations on February 22.

每一个法国的城市、小镇和村庄都庆祝攻占巴士底狱节,旅居海外的法国侨民也不例外。Bastille Day celebrations erupt in every French city, town, and hamlet9, and among French expatriates10 as well.

Ratha最近敦促菲律宾、肯尼亚、巴基斯坦和加纳为海外工人提供侨民债券。Ratha recently urged the Philippines, Kenya, Pakistan, and Ghana to offer diaspora bonds to its overseas workers.

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一群利比亚侨民占据了卡扎菲之子赛义夫在伦敦的宅邸,并将这里变成了利比亚人民为争取民主而战的前沿阵地。A group of Libyan expats has made Saif Qaddafi's mansion in London the frontline in Libya's struggle for democracy.

当德川向三水投诉日本侨民遭攻击时,三水向他说出暴动是由他暗中发起。When Japanese nationals to sanshui complaints tokugawa attack, sanshui to him by his name riots is secretly launch.

同时,改革也将限制外国公司和外国侨民在美国选举中提供资金赞助。Also, the reforms will restrict foreign corporations and foreign nationals from spending money in American elections.