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我们来做句型练习。Let's do pattern drills.

多加练习这个句型。Practice the "who" pattern.

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现在让我们做句型练习。Now let's do pattern drills.

在任何时候你都可以用到这个句型。You can use it all the time.

咱们做些句型练习吧。Let's do some pattern drills.

是固定句型,意为“花时间干某事”。A it takes sb. time to do sth.

让我们来做句型练习。Let us do some pattern drills.

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复习单词和练习句型。Review and practice sentences.

分小组,两人读等形式读此句型。Let's read this sentence together.

教你们句型我很在行哦。I am good at teaching you patterns.

你准备好学习下一个句型了吗?Are you ready for your next pattern?

每步都列出一个句型。Each step shows the sentential form.

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好好学习这一句型并使用它,Learn this pattern well and use it ,

他们在做句型练习。They are doing some pattern practice.

或者当你担忧某人时,也可以使用这个句型。or if you're concerned about someone.

When”句型使用起来非常方便。The "When" pattern is very easy to use.

这也是这个句型一种很不错的用法。And it's a great way to use the pattern.

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下一个句型是我最喜欢的句型之一。The next pattern is one of my favorites.

开始时我们先做一些句型练习。To begin with , we shall do some drills.

也正因为如此,这个句型才特别棒。But because of that, it can be very nice.