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有一个伙伴。Have a partner.

谁是你的伙伴?Who are your peers?

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我们有众多伙伴。We have great partners.

现在小花是我的好伙伴。Now, Spot is my best pal.

不要忘记爱你的伙伴。Donnot forgot your frinds.

想要一个朋友,一个伙伴。To have a friend -- a pal.

十个小企鹅好伙伴!Ten little penguin friends!

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农夫的好伙伴儿。A good companion of Nung-fu.

那只青鸟是我心灵伙伴。It's a blue bird of my soul.

这是一对特出的伙伴。This is a pretty good union.

我们希望成为你们的伙伴。We want to be your partners.

她和玛蒂是好伙伴。She and Maddy are great pals.

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在协同时代下,如何选择合作伙伴?How to choose the co-partners?

做你伙伴的电热毯。Be your mate's eletric blanket.

但另外的伙伴是谁呢?But who are the other partners?

王微来参加了一个合作伙伴会议。Gary came to a partner meeting.

理查德是我的商业伙伴。Richard is my business partner.

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每个合作伙伴擅长什么?What does each partner do well?

而且她有了个新伙伴。And she has a new workout buddy.

KMC是你可靠的伙伴。KMC is your dependable companion.