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中共第十七届中央委员会委员。Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee.

黄埔四期出的中共将领是最多的Huangpu four out of the CPC is the most general

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中共福建炼化公司委员会。The Party Committee of Fujian Oil Refine Company.

二则是中共莱芜县委诞生地。The two is the birthplace of Laiwu CPC committee.

美国的非战争军事行动概念是否适用于中共?Are the United States MOOTW concepts applied to CPC?

中共红安县委书记熊良霄说。Hongan CPC Committee Secretary Xiongliang Xiao said.

并设有中共上海市财贸党校。And with the CPC Shanghai Municipal FINANCE COMMITTEE.

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全面揭密中共情报捍卫工作。Comprehensive does the CPC intelligence security work.

中共召开全国钢铁工业座谈会。May 8, 1975, CPC holded a national steel industry forum.

陈用林、郝凤军这样的中共官员,为什么要脱离中共?Could it be the high-ranking officials such as Mr. Chen and Mr.

在苏联担任中共驻共产国际代表时的李大钊。In 1920 Li Dazhao met comintern Russian agent G. N. Voitrngsky.

它包括了在大多数信息模型中共用的概念。It captures concepts common in most resource information models.

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当晚我们和刘省长在他的官署中共进晚餐。We had dinner thAT evening with Civil Governor Liu AT his palace.

中共现在想依靠的恐怕就是这样的「六四」后一代吧。I'm afraid the CCP now puts its hope in this post-June 4 generation.

这里中共的虚假情报成分好象更多一些。This seems to be more Chicom disinformation more than anything else.

陈独秀是中共历史上颇有争议的领袖人物。Chen Duxiu was a rather controversial leader in the history of the CPC.

我什至会倾向于参加非暴力的,和平的运动,反对中共政府。But I do protest against chinese government but not the people of china.

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中共黑星白朗宁手枪,枪身呈黑色,枪把上有★记号。Communist Black Star revolvers are black with a star mark on the handle.

在回忆录里,他并不掩饰对中共的憎恶。In the memoir, he did not hide his hatred toward the Chinese Communists.

中共十七大至今,我们党的旗帜实质上是一种社会制度。After the congress, the banner of the party has become a system in essence.