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我知道上帝有他英名的用意。I am sure he keeps nothing from me but this.

他将英名长存。His reputation will live long after his death.

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道格拉斯虽然死了,但他的英名却为他赢得了战斗。The Douglas dead, his name hath won the field.

为了他们的英名,以他们的名义,我们绝不动摇。In their memory, in their name, we will never waver.

有一天整个进步的人类都会敬仰他的英名。Some day all progressive mankind will cherish his memory.

“英名不朽”这句大话,毕竟是多么空虚!How idle a boast, after all, is the immortality of a name!

他的英名将流传千古!他的事业将永垂不朽!His name will endure through the ages, and so also will his work!

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后来,韩信成为汉朝大将,成就了一代英名。Later, Han Xin became a general of Han Dynasty and achieved fame.

长沙流谪君非远,莫遣英名负洛阳。Non-current disgrace Jun Changsha far, Mo removal fame negative Luoyang.

雨过是天晴,荷香四溢,成功与英名只在朝夕间。After the rain is fine, Lotus overflowing, success and fame only in overnight.

他将丹麦的英名升至满天星辰,回报他的却是侮辱、失落和悲伤。He raised the name of Demark to the stars, and was rewarded with injury, loss and sorrow.

相信上帝宽恕我,虽然我是一个基督徒,但我却老是想为我那英名显赫的父亲复仇。Although a Christian, may God forgive me, I have always sought to revenge my illustrious father.

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然而他的悲壮之举,成功征服了人心,为他留下了千年英名。But his heroic act, successfully conquered the people, as he left the Millennium illustrious names.

不过,Dimensional避免了令其他价值型投资者一世英名付诸东流的那种灾难性表现。Still, it has avoided the kind of catastrophic performance that has wrecked the long-term track record of other value investors.

对于一个英名的政治领导者来说,总是坦白是不可能的。彻底的诚实对于一个政治家来说是无用的美德。It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician.

一切真正伟大的人物,无论是古人、今人,只要是英名永铭于人类记忆中的人,没有一个是因为爱情发狂的人。All the truly great figures, both ancient and modern people, as long as the names Yongming in memory of the human person, because love is not a mad person.

因为犯了过错,不但英名扫地,引来别人的讪笑辱骂,就改过的过程中,也有许多身心的磨难。Because once your mistakes are known, your reputation is ruined and people may make fun of you or scold you. The process of reforming can be full of ordeals.

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在纽约时装周的首次亮相秀中,这一主走精英名校风的名牌展示了一系列以20年代法国多维尔为灵感来源的,“运动感十足又于细节处精心打造”的时装。For her debut at New York Fashion Week, the Queen of Prep showed clothing inspired by Deauville in the 1920's—a line that was "sporty and polished with an emphasis on special details."

起初很多人对新老板亨利任命国王持怀疑的态度,认为这有可能会毁掉国王的一世英名。Many sceptics would have initially viewed Dalglish's appointment as a sentimental move by Liverpool's new owner John Henry and one that had the potential to tarnish Dalglish's reputation.

我们将永远铭记他们的英名。我们都还记得今天早晨我们最后一次看见他们时,他们正准备开始他们的旅程,挥手向我们告别,“挣脱地球粗暴的枷锁”去“触摸上帝的容颜。”We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and "slipped the surly bonds of earth" to "touch the face of God.