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他们现在在午休。They are on lunch-break.

我的午休时间是从12点到1点。My lunch break is from 12-1pm.

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西班牙有名地有午休。The Spanish famously have siestas.

午休前,法官叫来了最后一名违章司机。The judge called one last name before lunch.

所有全职员工有一小时午休时间。All full-time employees get a one-hour lunch break.

午休时她们就坐在田边扯闲篇了。They sat by the field, and chatted during the noon break.

如果你是一个爱午休的人,你可以试着一星期不午睡。If you’re a committed napper, you can skip all naps for a week.

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午休床在志愿者的一次午觉时保持静止,另一次则轻轻摇晃。For one nap, the bed was still. For the other, it rocked gently.

瑞士苏黎世动物园,一只亚洲狮正在阳光下午休。An Asiatic lion dozes in the sun at the Zurich Zoo in Switzerland.

而到了午休时间,机关干部们自觉关闭办公室日光灯。By morning time, cadres have consciously closed office fluorescent.

我觉得,很多住在市中心的人在那儿度过午休时光。I mean, it's lot of people taking lunch breaks that live in midtown.

最后,我决定在午休时间去一个健身俱乐部活动活动。Eventually, I settled on going to a health club during my lunch hour.

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在茶歇、午休和会议用餐时间和发言者交流。Mingle with speakers at coffee and lunch breaks, and conference dinners.

光午休现象主要是由非气孔因素引起的。The photosynthetic depression at midday was due to non-stomatal factors.

患失眠的5人钟有4人都感到不午休晚上睡得更香。Four out of five people with insomnia sleep better at night without naps.

你可以利用晚上、周末或是午休时间来阅读一些自由作家的作品吗?Can you use some evenings, weekends and lunch hours to solicit some free lance gigs?

这意味着数百万女性正在承受一种“早来晚走不午休”的工作模式。It means millions of women are coming in early, skipping lunch breaks and leaving late.

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鼓励他们休息一个完整的午休时间,如果可能,还有你自己的。Encourage them to take a full hour-long lunch break, if possible, and take one yourself.

虽然西班牙以其午休而闻名,但这却是其首次对午休时间作出官方规定。Although Spain is known for its siestas 1, it's the first time that it's been made official.

午休醒来常常口干舌燥,而且头痛头晕,是什么原因呢?。Noon break awakes often dry of buccal dry tongue, and have a headache giddy, what reason be?