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刺槐在遗传特性上表现为深根性树种。Robinia Pseudoacacia is a deep root tree.

水是影响黄土高原地区刺槐生长的主要因子。Water is a main factor affecting locust growth.

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家乡的刺槐树啊,你伴我长大,我却你远去。Home locust tree ah, you grew up with me, but I you are away.

他走向一张放在刺槐底下的椅子,我跟着他。He makes his way over to a chair under an acacia, and I follow him.

每年春天,在您窗前刺槐的花丛里会飞来一只黄莺。A nightingale comes to the clump of acacias opposite your windows, every spring.

研究队使用的血凝素大都是来自长在雨后黑刺槐上的蘑菇。The team use lectins from a mushroom found mainly in the storms of black locust tree.

刺槐尺蠖是陕西省眉县地区刺槐林的主要害虫。The geometrid Apocheima sp. is one of the worst pest of the locust tree in Mei County.

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该害虫原产北美洲东部,危害刺槐叶片。Native to North America, this species attacks leaf of black locust tree, Robinia pseudoacacia L.

通过统计回归,获得了刺槐幼苗生长与土壤水分关系的数学拟和模型。In the end, we got regression models of growth indices of locust seedling with soil water content.

刺槐的发展对当地植被的演替具有负作用,并影响当地鸟类的越冬。It has a negative effect on succession of local vegetation, and affects local birds overwintering.

这表明尽管造林时间已经有30年左右,但是人工林下的刺槐幼苗还没有生长成乔木层。The forest age is about 30y, but the Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings have not grown to arbor layer.

得到了油松、刺槐人工林地土壤水分物理性质的时空动态规律。It is deduced of the time-space dynamic regularity of soil hydro-physical property of P. T. C. and R.

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不同立地条件下刺槐叶片相对含水量和饱和亏与各立地土壤含水量关系密切,均达显著水平。There were remarkable relationship between the leaf RWC, WSD of locust and SWC under different habitats.

他穿着一身褐色棉长袍,坐在刺槐与枣树下。Wearing a brown cotton gown, he sat beneath acacia and zizyphus trees that shaded a pen holding guinea fowl.

对刺槐的繁殖技术及适应性进行了综述。The advances on the propagation technology and adaptability of Robinia pseudoacacia L. were given in this paper.

光诱导下的刺槐复叶运动是植株维持最佳生理状态的形态调节表现。The light_dependent leaflet movement is the morphological adjustment of maintaining optimal physiological status.

从树种选择的试验中看出,侧柏、元宝枫和刺槐对种基盘造林的适宜性更强。Platycladus orientalis, Acer truncatum and Robinia pseudoacacia have a better adaptation by use of the seed-bases.

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刺槐无性系间的比较研究较少,对适应性的评价缺少一个综合的指标和方法。The evaluation of the adaptability to drought and salinity of Robinia pseudoacacia L. needs a comprehensive index.

对接种根瘤菌后的刺槐根部进行了光学显微镜和透射电镜观察。The micro and ultrastructure of the roots of Robinia pseudoacacia were studied by optical and electron microscope.

采用硅胶室温干燥法,延安种源刺槐种子含水量由6。With the method of drying by silica gel, Robinia pseudoacacia seed of Yan an City and Wuqi City were dried from 6.