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我把它打印了。I do print this.

照片打印服务。Photo printing service.

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是否能够打印发票?Can invoices be printed?

打印出每个文件名。Print out each file name.

并打印出所有的答案。But it's going to keep going.

是否有个命令来打印?Is there a command to printf?

我想它会打印出85次调用。It'll print, I think, 85 calls.

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可以打印文件信息。You can print file information.

请把你的信用卡给我打印一份留存?May I take a print of your vise?

打印声明也是相同的。With all those print statements.

图中显示出打印的计分卡Figure shows a printed score card

用大号字体将你的目标打印出来。Print out your goal in big words.

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向控制台打印输出结果。Print the results to the console.

一些,一些主题用打印着赤焰战场。Some, some subjects typed in red.

写出或打印最后成稿。Write or type your final version.

你能帮我把它们打印出来吗?Could you then print these for me?

防止复制,截屏,打印。Prevent copy, screen shots, print.

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可以打印图纸空间布局。You can plot a Paper space layout.

比如说,它可能是打印出来看不到?Well, he might have printed it out.

您能帮我把它打印出来吗?Would you please help me blazon it?