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河水漫过堤岸。The river flew over the bank.

河水漫过了堤岸。The river brimmed over its banks.

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我们沿着泰晤士河的堤岸散步。We walked along the Thames embankment.

士兵们沿堤岸散开。The soldiers were dispersed along a bank.

你的堤岸与青翠的河谷是多么令人心醉。How pleasant thy banks and green valleys below.

堤岸被冲毁。The embankment was destroyed by rush of waters.

看,昆明湖旁围着长长地堤岸。Look, Kunming lake surrounded by long embankment.

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如果海洋要建堤岸,它就会这般修建。If the ocean made dikes, it is thus that it would build.

当它冲破堤岸时,我们就会遇到高山海啸。When it bursts its banks, we will have a mountain tsunami.

河流在暴雨季节冲破堤岸,形成新的河道。Rivers break their banks under seasonal downpours and carve new paths.

小河边一阵阵清风拂过,堤岸柳枝飘舞,粉色花瓣纷飞。A small river a breeze blowing, the willows fluttered, pink petals fly.

在塞文河的河水漫过堤岸后,什鲁斯伯里市也遭遇了洪水袭击。Shrewsbury also suffered flooding after the River Severn burst its banks.

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一条白色的水练,静寂得象梦一样,在结了冰的堤岸中间蜿蜒流进。Silent as a dream, a white rope of water coiled between its frozen banks.

阿里阿德涅会关紧它的门,躲进被云层围绕的堤岸。Ariadne will shut its door and be hidden within its enclosing cloud banks.

在河流入口处保护三角洲的堤岸也处于危险之中。Levees protecting the delta at the mouth of the river are in bad shape, too.

丝丝柔云飘渺浮动,宛若鱼儿畅游于霞光之海。从堤岸一般的大地上,我眺望平静的云海。The long slender bars of cloud float like fishes in the sea of crimson light.

沿着历史性的堤岸的道路被拆除,用来建筑新的滨江大道。The road along the historic bund is being ripped up to build a new promenade.

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你很难再找到什么地方的水,能蓝得像这里拍打着的堤岸海水。You'd be hard-pressed to find water as blue as that which laps at its shores.

她来到了威利湖畔,经过一段干涸时期,威利湖又水溢堤岸了。She came to willey water. it was almost full again, after its period of emptiness.

一条线索可能是散落在围绕小潭四周的绿草堤岸上的无数海贝。One clue could be the myriad of shells in the grass banks just about the tiny pool.