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不用。开户是免费的。No. Opening an account is free.

首先,去银行开户不一定要税号的。Today I want to open a bank acount.

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代理还本付息。代理登记开户。Acting servicing. Agents Registration accounts.

请报告我你希望怎样支款。现金开户。Pleottom tell me how you wish to draw your money.

如果“开户”故事完成了,而“存款”还在进行中呢?What if Register is done and Deposit is in progress?

有。按照规定,您在开户时至少存10元。Yes, there must be at least 10 yuan to open an account.

接下来,我考虑开户、关闭和更改帐户。Next, I consider opening, closing, and changing an account.

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史考特券是否接受传真文件申请开户?。Does Scottrade accept faxed application forms and documents?

那位行员叫我来找妳处理开户事宜。The teller told me to come see you about opening an account.

填写「定期储金开户存款单」及「邮政定期储金开户约定书」各1份。Fill out 1 copy of "CD Deposit Slip" and the service agreement.

开户以后给我的银行卡是否在全港境内该行可以通存通兑的?Can I use my bank card to deposit and withdrawal anywhere in Hong Kang?

我念正在您们银止开户。我要先与号码牌吗?I'd like to open an account in your bank. Should I take a number first?

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我方的开户银行是东京银行,你方可通过该行查我方信誉。Our bankers are the Bank of Tokyo , with whom you may check our standing.

行动援助工作以保证失地人群的公共土地,性工作者能到银行开户。Its work ensured public-land for landless and access to banks for sex workers.

如果被保险人为未成年人,请在备注栏填写开户人姓名。If the insured is minor, the name of the account owner is required to be filled.

我方开户银行是中国银行北京分行,你方可以向该行了解我方的情况。My bank is the Bank of China, Beijing Branch. You may refer to it for my status.

第二类尚未开户的顾客是指C2,他们自然形成并习惯于一种以现金支付生活费用的方式。The second kind of unbanked prospect is the C2, born and bred in a cash lifestyle.

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当你要新开户时,你必须准备好你的个人身分证与印章。When you open a new account, you need to have your personal I. D. and stamp ready.

请注意,邮政信箱的地址不能作为开户地址或地址证明。We regret that a statement confirming the address as a P. O. Box is not sufficient.

我能否先进一步了解史考特的交易系统,再决定要不要开户?May I sign up for Scottrade's trading system free trail before opening a new account?