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盖茨真不要脸啦”。Gates has no shame.

你应该控告那个不要脸的混蛋。You ought to sue the bastard.

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爱米利娅跟我一样清白!呸!不要脸!Emilia. As I! foh! fie upon thee!

姓张得你真是不要脸到家了!Zhang, You really shameless home!

我没想到她会这么做!不要脸!I can't believe she did that! Shameless!

我高姿态的退出,玉成你们不要脸的幸福。I high-profile quit, right of your happiness.

如果你再死不要脸,我就给你一拳。If you don't stop being cheeky , I'll land you one.

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你难道已经强大到彻底不要脸了吗?Have you had the strength to be thoroughly shameless?

不要脸的人生不需要死要面子的解释。No need to ask for the vain explanation to a shameless life.

这鸟系统真他娘的是不要脸到家了!This bird system true his Niang was to shameless to come home!

而且你猜怎么着,这臭不要脸的真的靠这一套把他妈的一个王国搞到手了。And what do you know, the bitch gets a fucking kingdom out of it.

不要脸。臭三八…你给老娘记住…No face, bad smell three eight, you gie your old mother remember.

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只有不要脸的人才能做出这样不要脸的事。Only those who have no sense of shame can do such shameful things.

不要脸。臭三八…你给老娘记住。No face, bad smile three eight, you give your old motheree remember.

给你脸你不要脸,你丢脸,生财有道图库,我翻脸。I give you face you don't wanna face, you lose you face, I turn my face.

给你脸你不要脸,你丢脸,我翻脸张老师的玩美课堂。I give you face you dont wanna face, you lose you face , I turn my face.

给你脸你不要脸,你丢脸,我翻脸。绝对爆笑的中式英语。I give you face you don't wanna face, you lose you face , I turn my face.

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别以为我不知道你那个小妹妹不要脸私奔的事。I am no stranger to the particulars of your youngest sister's infamous elopement.

像这样逼咱们穷鬼们干活,真不要脸。"It's something scandalous the way they work us poor devils, " Joe was remarking.

走开,不要脸的坏蜘蛛!在我干净漂亮的房子里到处留下蜘蛛丝。GO away, you bold bad spider! Leaving ends of cobweb all over my nice clean house!