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野人海岸迅猛龙遗址。Savage Coast Raptor Fields.

我有其他人来领导野人。I have other men to lead the wildlings.

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哇,这邋遢的山顶野人是何许人物?Wow, who's the scruffy old mountain man?

野人谷的生活,彻底改变了小四。Savage Valley life, completely changed the p4.

我被一个穿着裹腰布的会飞的野人救了!I was saved by a flying wild man in a loincloth!

我被一个穿著裹腰布的会飞的野人救了!I was saved by a flying wild man in a loincloth !

尽可能救回最多的野人,妇女儿童优先。Bring back as many as you can, women and children first.

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如果野人再度袭击,那可就完了。That would not serve if the wildlings should attack again.

那些野人用骤雨般的石头和箭来迎候我们。The savages greeted us with a shower of stones and arrows.

大学四年级时,斯特雷特被选举为野人俱乐部的主席。During his senior year he was president of the Savage Club.

在不列颠哥伦比亚省,杀死大足野人是犯法的。British Columbia makes it illegal for anyone to kill a sasquatch.

他的朋友和野人为他的去世烧香和焚烧纸钱。His friends and family burnt incense and Chinese money for the afterlife.

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倘若野人中没有,我会派人到山中部落寻找。If there's none amongst the wildlings , I will send to the mountain clans.

如果野人真的存在,我们或许有机会亲眼见识一下野人呢。If Yetis really exist, we might have the chance to see one with our own eyes.

如果野人真的存在,我们或许有机会亲眼目睹一下野人。If Yetis really exist, we might have the chance to see one with our owen eyes.

无奈之余,小四便被人介绍到云南一旅游景区的野人谷。But, I will be introduced to a Yunnan tourist attractions of the savage valley.

其中,野人之谜的传说更给神农架增添了神秘的色彩。Among them, thd sighting on wild, ape-like creatures add to its mysterious sense.

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没有朋友可以向之倾诉心事的人们,可说是吃自己心的野人。People who have no friends to confess are savage pepople who eat their own hearts.

一群年轻的科幻小说迷在树林发现几个大脚印,于是认定是野人的足迹。A group of young fans in the fiction that several big footprints , so is the savage.

我是一个18岁的女孩,但看起来我有一双野人一样多毛的脚。I'm a 18 year old female and it appears I have feet that were last seen on Big Foot.