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为企业电子商务助跑!For Enterprise E-C run-up!

哈德利正在助跑投球。Hadlee is now running up to bowl.

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跳远的关键技术是助跑。The most critical part is the run-up.

这就是超越自我的助跑线。This is beyond the run-up line of the self.

汤姆先助跑,然后投球投得非常好。Tom ran up and delivered the ball perfectly.

跳远的关键技术是助跑。How does the jumper measure his approach run?

我们助跑了一小段后就用尽全力往前跳。We take a short run and jump with all our might.

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也就是提高助跑速度,获得更大的动能。That is, to improve run-up speed, greater kinetic energy.

跳远的助跑速度与跳远成绩密切相关。The speed of approach of the long-jump is closely related to the achievement.

总之,要使助跑速度不断增加到一个可控制的最大速度。In short, make the run-up speed increased to a maximum that can be controlled.

自我暗示结合标记跑可以在很大程度上提高运动员的助跑准确性。The autosuggestion integrates mark run may enhance accuracy of run-up to a great extent.

在哥本哈根会议之前的‘助跑阶段’,有关的宣传太多,人们的期望太高。In the run-up to Copenhagen there was perhaps too much hype, and expectations were too high.

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同样,罚球队员也可以在助跑过程中停下来,示意裁判先将恐龙处理掉。The player is also within his rights to stop his run-up and ask you to deal with the dinosaur.

运动员经过助跑,沿直线进行三次水平跳跃,最后落于沙坑。An athlete runs up to a lone and jumps two times on a hard surface with a final jump into sand.

原因是,秃鹰在起飞之前,它必须在地面上助跑十到十二英尺。The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of ten or twelve feet.

原因是秃鹫从地面起飞前总要先助跑10~12英尺的距离。The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of ten to twelve feet.

跳远助跑的快慢较大程度取决于速度利用率的大小。The slowness and quickness of the run-up in long-jump mainly depends on the utilization rate of speed.

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跳水动作有预备姿势、助跑、踏跳步、起跳、空中动作和入水组成。A dive consists of the starting position, the run, the hurdle, the take-off, the execution, and the entry.

撑杆跳高是指运动员双手握住一根特制的杆子,经过快速助跑后,借助杆子撑地的反弹力量,使身体腾起,跃过横杆。An athlete runs up to a high bar help between posts and uses a pole to push his or her body up over the bar.

掷标枪成绩与助跑速度、速度峰值密切相关,标枪出手时机应与最大速度峰值的出现相吻合。The score of javelin throwing is closely related with the run-up speed and the highest speed point in throwing.