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镇子里的每一个人都相信他的医术。Everybody in the town trusted his medicine.

杰里活了下来,部分原因是他的医生医术高明。Jerry lived in part because of his doctors.

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这次手术是医术上的一个奇迹。The operation was a marvel of medical skill.

这个手术是医术的一个非凡范例。The operation was a marvel of medical skill.

在有些人看来,用草药治病纯属江湖医术。To some people, herbal medicine is quackery.

这一病例使我们最有经验的医生也无法施展其医术。The case baffles the skill of our most experienced medical men.

阿顺实在想不到城中医术比较好的大夫,便去找忍冬。Shun City medicine really can not think of good doctor, went to.

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草药医术在世界各地惯用了数千年之久。Herbalism was practiced all over the world for thousands of years.

他把一个孤儿养大,并且把自己的医术传给了他。He brought up the orphan and passed onto him his knowledge of medicine.

非常感谢这名外科医生,感谢他用高超的医术帮助了这个小女孩。I am so thankful that this physician had the skills to help this little girl.

陆涛活了下来,这要感谢他那些医生的高明医术,但也要归功于他那令人赞叹的态度。Lutao lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also his amazing attitude.

相传武当山曾有一位医术高明的道人,叫泰常。There have been said to Wudang Mountain Road flyover of a skillful, often called Thailand.

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扁鹊以其精湛的医术、医德深受百姓爱戴,从而受到历代祭祀。Que medicine for its exquisite, ethics loved by the people in order to be religious history.

杰里活了下来,部分原因是它的医生医术高明,但更主要是因为他那不屈不挠的态度。Jerry lived in part because of his doctors, but in large because of his indomitable attitude.

老中医把自己的医术传给年轻一代。The old man passed on his knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine to the younger generation.

对于一位大病临身的患者,只能靠高超的医术挽救他的健康和生命。For a gravely ill patient, only superb medic al skill can recover his health and save his life.

杰里活了下来,部分原因是他的医生医术高明,但更主要是因为他那不屈不挠的态度。Jerry lived in part because of his doctors, but in large part because of his indomitable attitude.

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非正统医术包括针灸、顺势疗法、整骨术、催眠疗法等治疗方法。Alternative medicine includes treatments such as acupuncture homeopathy osteopathy and hypnotherapy.

为了感谢朱医生妙手回春的医术,患者家属送来了一面锦旗。The relatives of the patient sent a silk banner as a way to thank doctor Zhu for his excellent skills.

但有时,即使医生的医术再高明,面对生死还是会感到无能无力。But sometimes no matter how skillful a doctor is, they are still powerless when confronting life and death.