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保姆是个魔女。Matron is a sorceress.

大堰河,是我的保姆。My wet-nurse, Dayanhe.

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他给临时来照看孩子的保姆付了钱。He paid the babysitter.

大堰河,是我的保姆。Dayanhe, she was my nanny.

保姆怜爱地抚摸着孩子。The nurse fondled the child.

绑匪还杀死了保姆。The kidnappers killed the nanny.

女孩子们也会受到保姆的影响。Girls are affected by nannies too.

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我的大堰河般的保姆和她们的儿子。Like my nanny Dayanhe and her sons.

保姆怜爱地抚摸着孩子。The nurse fondled the child fondly.

她把自己的婴儿托付给了临时保姆。She left her baby with a baby-sitter.

像保姆解除她的职责。Like a nursemaid relieved of her duty.

中心保姆们整夜看着你。Chaperones watch you through the night.

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在保姆的怀中啼哭呕吐。Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.

便主动来叶城家当保姆。Then she came to Ye’s house as a nurse.

多少人亲孩子脸,只为一博保姆欢。Many kiss the baby for the nurse's sake.

保姆从摇床抱起小孩。The nurse lifted a child out of his cot.

多少人亲孩子脸,只为一博保姆欢。Many kiss the child for the nurse's sake.

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你竟然和保姆有一腿。拜托!You have a thing for a nanny? Oh, please!

他们唯一的保姆是一个小孤儿。Their only servant was a young orphan girl.

科林将不会缺少保姆。Coleen will have no shortage of babysitters.