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你是一捆柴火?Are you a faggot?

我去收集柴火。I'll go gather firewood.

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大卫劈一堆柴火。David split a stack of logs.

家贫,是烧柴火的。Of poverty is the wood fire.

这种物质通常被用作柴火。This material is known as stover.

热量来自砖砌的柴火炉子。The heat comes from brick wood stove.

为了取暖,他们烧别人捐赠的柴火。For warmth, they burn donated firewood.

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他每劈一下,一根柴火就开始发芽了!Once he split, one log began to sprout leaves.

“一堆烧得旺旺的好柴火!”老妇人补充道。"A fine, flaming fagot, " added the old woman.

因为柴火潮湿,所以点不着。We can't light the fire as the firewood is wet.

樵夫背着柴火下山了。The woodsman carried the firewood down the hill.

因为印第安人正疯狂地收集柴火。Because the Indians are gathering firewood like crazy!

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他把大麻藏在他们家的柴火堆里了。He is hiding marijuana in his firewood, " the man says.

我在那堆柴火上面盖了一块防水布以让其保持干燥。I tied a tarp over the stack of firewood to keep it dry.

你要花很长时间才能把那棵树劈成柴火。It will take you a month of Sundays to chop all that wood.

我太忙了而不能帮你忙把这些木头劈成柴火。I am so busy that I can't help to cut the wood into pieces.

我会为你砍一些柴火,奥利夫!-为什么,那个一点也不好的矮子!I'll chop some wood for ya, Olive! -Why, that no-good runt!

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我到柴火间里取了些木柴。I stopped at the woodshed and picked several sticks of wood.

壁炉里没有柴火,饥饿又弄得他头昏眼花。There is no fire in the grate, and hunger has made him faint.

一罐子大麦种子被埋于柴火下进行烘焙。A pot of new barley seeds is buried under the pyre for roasting.