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我终于把你压在身下了。I finally pinned you down.

杰克弓身下车。Jack angled himself out of the car.

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王就在床上屈身下拜。And the king bowed himself upon the bed.

王就在床上屈身下拜。And the king bowed in worship on his bed

在她的身下铺上大衣,夹克,或者毛毯。Place a coat, jacket, or blanket under her.

即使身下是石滩你愿躺在我身旁吗?Would you lay with me, in a field of stone?

李女士的左臂压在丈夫的身下。Ms. Li’s left arm was wedged beneath her husband.

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突然,她站了起来,露出身下的七只浅蓝色的天鹅蛋。Suddenly she stood up and revealed seven pale blue eggs.

但安东尼还是把斯科特完全拉到了自己身下。Still, Anthony managed to pull Scott completely under him.

他能在别人还没来得及注意到他之前就在守垒员身下安全滑垒了。He can slide to safety under a baseman before he's noticed.

婴儿睡姿可能比较舒服,但对皮肤来说却不太好,而趴睡则将肚子压在身下呼吸也会有害健康。The fetal position may be comfy, but it's bad for your skin.

他用他那庞大的身躯把对手死死地压在身下。With his huge body, he overbore his opponent under him dead.

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洁白的床上躺着的他已经被一个同样洁白的布盖在了身下。White lying on the bed he was a same white cloth in the body under.

他发现卡斯-弗里德里克弯着身子处在窒息中,两条腿半截压在身下。He found Cass Frederick, choking, bent over, legs half-buckled under him.

她把鸭蛋滚到兔子身下,告诉人们那是兔子蛋。She slipped duck eggs under rabbits and told people they were rabbit eggs.

不用思考,没有忧愁,只用身体感受着自己和身下的马儿。No thinking, no worries, just a physical experience with you and the horse.

Reuben从公主身下抓出信念,并把她裹在自己的运动衫里。Reuben grabbed Faith out from under Princess and smuggled her under his jersey.

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为了防止一团糟的场面,还应在身下垫一些毛巾。To avoid the appearance of imbroglio , still should be in body underlay a few towel.

它扫视着找寻着身下的猎物,长着华丽靛蓝色羽冠的头颅不时左顾右盼。It scans for prey below, its magnificent indigo-crested head cocking left, then right.

当他躺上去时,她感觉身下有个轮子在滚动,并且漫漫发热。When she lain in it she felt that a wheel was rolling under her body and got hot slowly.