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什么是血红蛋白疾患?What are haemoglobin disorders?

关于血红蛋白疾患的事实Facts about haemoglobin disorders

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导致血红蛋白疾患的原因是什么?What causes haemoglobin disorders?

最近我有一些身体上的疾患。Recently i have some physical herts.

如何能减少血红蛋白疾患?How can haemoglobin disorders be reduced?

头痛疾患使人疼痛和丧失能力。Headache disorders are painful and disabling.

不安腿综合征是种感觉运动性疾患。Restless legs syndrome is a sensorimotor disorder.

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室上速常由潜在的心脏疾患引起。SVT is often caused by an underlying heart condition.

小儿斜颈、小儿消化系统疾患。Young child torticollis, young child digesting system illness.

肝脏、肺和心脏疾患均可在指甲表现出来。Problems in the liver, lungs, and heart can show up in your nails.

因高浓度氟化物而造成的这一疾患是可以预防的。This suffering caused by high levels of fluoride can be prevented.

每年有30多万新生儿患有严重的血红蛋白疾患。Over 300 000 babies with severe haemoglobin disorders are born each year.

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甲型肝炎是一种病毒性肝脏疾病,它可造成轻度或严重疾患。Hepatitis A is a viral liver disease that can cause mild to severe illness.

哮证是一种发作性的痰鸣气喘疾患。Asthma is a kind of disease characterised by paroxysmal stridor with sputum.

癫痫是一种影响所有年龄人群的慢性神经疾患。Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that affects people of all ages.

显然,古代Sauria人的饮食是这些疾患的原因。Clearly, the diet of the ancient Saurians was responsible for these problems.

疾患可能在10至12周内自愈,不产生任何长期的影响。The disease may resolve itself with no lasting effects within 10 to 12 weeks.

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在没有任何明显身体疾患时,病人的这些症状会使医生摸不清头脑。All of these symptoms can confuse doctors as they have no obvious physical cause.

世卫组织理事机构通过了两项有关血红蛋白疾患的决议。The governing bodies of WHO have adopted two resolutions on haemoglobin disorders.

同时,治疗过程中不能忽视心理疾患的康复。Much attention should be paid to psychical rehabilitation in the course of treatment.