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敌舰向外海匆匆逃去。The enemy ship dug out for the sea.

鲣鸟栖息在外海地区。Gannets are denizens of the open ocean.

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死去的水母漂浮在钱德尔勒尔群岛外海水域。Dead jellyfish float in the waters off the Chandeleur Islands.

这是发现于赫布里底群岛外海的苏格兰。It is found on the Hebrides Islands off the coast of Scotland.

通过渤海海峡,渤海有向外海输出的净盐通量。There is a net salinity flux from the Bohai Strait to outer sea area.

对那些大型船只,意味着他们需要停留在远离风暴的外海。For bigger ships, that means getting far out to sea and riding out the storm.

越南中部外海的重力势高值区南移。The dynamic potential high value area to the middle of Vietnam moves southward.

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就在地震刚发生后,新闻便报导是个震央在宜兰外海的五点七级地震。The news reports on it, just after it had happened, said it was a 5.7 off of Ilan.

但正在美国建起了保护从义的壁垒后,外海油开始大规模地进入非洲。Once America erected protectionist walls, Cnooc began its grand engagement with Africa.

外海没有被冰雪覆盖,颜色较暗,在温暖季节里吸收了更多来自太阳的热量。The open sea, being darker, absorbed more heat from the sun in the warmer, light months.

敌人的入侵,从外海与庞大战斗群用于制造炸弹的武装气球。The enemy is invading from the open sea with enormous battle groups of bomb-armed balloons.

在美国北卡罗来纳州的外海岸,一名男子正在观看由飓风激起的怒涛击打着罗丹特码头。A man watches as hurricane-roiled surf pounds Rodanthe Pier in North Carolina's Outer Banks.

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大跨度拱桁式钢引桥是外海开敞式深水码头栈桥常用的上部结构型式之一。Large-span arch truss steel bridge is a common superstructure of trestle bridge on open sea.

在北卡罗来纳州的外海岸低潮的时候,一座老船库稳稳的竖立在裘瑞塔克海湾上。An old boathouse perches well above Currituck Sound at low tide in North Carolina's Outer Banks.

要比较外海的油污与在海滩上搜集到的垃圾并非易事。It’s not straightforward to compare oil spilled on an open sea with garbage picked up on beaches.

这只牡蛎是从英国德文郡普利茅斯市的外海拉网捕捞所得,然后又在该市海鲜市场上卖给了兰德尔。The oyster was dredged up from the sea off Plymouth, in Devon, and sold at the city's fish market.

同时,一个6.3级地震,据报道日本东部外海,在尽可能多天的第二震颤。Meanwhile a 6.3-magnitude earthquake was reported off eastern Japan, the second tremor in as many days.

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草海处于重度富营养状态,污染程度明显重于外海。Caohao is at high eutrophication level and the pollution is obviously more serious than the outer lakes.

越南现在声称,它将于周一在岘港省的外海举行实弹演习。Vietnam now says it will stage live ammunition drills on Monday in an area off central Quang Nam province.

岛上约十三公里的外海,不到两年的一百六十平方千米。The island is about thirteen kilometers off the coast and is less than two hundred sixty square kilometers.