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对于导语同样如此——而且更甚。The same goes for blurbs — perhaps even more so.

有固定的广告导语吗?Does the advertisement that fix lead the language?

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新闻导语是信息集中的热点,形式各异。News leads in various forms are information centers.

全体来说,论文导语的创造央求是比较高的。The creation of all, the thesis leads begged is relatively high.

她仔细导语打字稿,以消除所有差错。She went through the typescript carefully to eliminate all errors from it.

本论文除导语和结束语外,共分为五个部分。This paper, except introduction and conclusion, is divided into five parts.

报纸新闻导语狭义受事主语句的构成成分分析。I. Types of narrow-sense accusative subject sentence in newspaper news lead.

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经常导语的孩子的写作和算术能力比其他孩子发展的要早。Kids who are read to frequently develop earlier writing and number skills as well.

读一读你写的导语,问问自己是否写得足够流畅。It is best to be conversational in your writing. Ask yourself if your lead flows when read.

通常,写导语所花的时间与写文章剩下的部分不相上下,这是很正常的。Often a lead will take nearly as long to write as the rest of the feature, but that's fine.

选择和确立什么因素作为核心要素是新闻导语写作的关键。The key to write a good lead is what elements to choose and decide as the central elements.

成功导语的设计,无疑是解决这一问题的最佳手段。Introduction of the successful design, it is undoubtedly the best solution to this problem means.

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想要写出诱人的导语,你首先就要深刻理解自己所采访的人物有什么过人之处。But writing an alluring lead requires a deep understanding of what motivates your feature subject.

常见的导语有过渡式、解题式、悬念式、直观式等。The introductive words we often see are intergradation, topic-explaining, suspense, and intuition, etc.

我们发现22个使用导语的新闻站点中,有12个在标题下有一横条。We found that 12 out of 22 news sites that use blurbs on their homepage put rules under their headlines.

从导语开始,不必把你的笔记内容全用上,如果有需要,你可以改写。Start with the lede. Don’t feel like you have to use all your notes and you can paraphrase if you need to.

导语应具有目的性、诱导性、传情性、趣味性、针对性和概括性等特点。Introductive words should be purposeful, inductive, feeling passing, amusing, pertinent and recapitulative.

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记住,如果你的导语不够吸引人,读者就不会去读接下来的整篇故事。Remember that if you don't hook your reader with an interesting lead, she will not read the rest of your feature.

同时,“导语”式的结构方式也让作品更强烈地表现出了诗性的情感张力和宿命的韵外之致。The type of "leading language" also lets the work express poetic emotion, tension and the charm of predestination.

导语的内容是对论文内容做一个全体的论说,偏重开宗明义,开宗明义。Is the content of the guide language the paper do a all editorial content, lay particular stress on begins, begins.