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国与国之间进行贸易往来比兵戎相见好得多。Trade between nations is much better than war.

他们不会再希望在战场上兵戎相见了。They would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield.

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而在过去真主党和以色列曾经兵戎相见。And Hezbollah and Israel have fought against each other in the past.

大首领豁出命来保护施奈德及其同伴,即使他们曾与世外天国兵戎相见。Big Boss risked his life to save Schneider and others even though they took up arms against Outer Heaven.

同样,在与日本兵戎相见的国家中,不计其数的年轻人失去了原本有着未来的生命。Also in countries that fought against Japan, countless lives were lost among young people with promising futures.

达格利什的球队今晚将与霍奇森的西布朗在球场上兵戎相见,国王表示他们俩在位安菲尔德期共事间他给予了其前任全部的支持。Kenny Dalglish will lock horns with Roy Hodgson today insisting he gave his predecessor every assistance during their time together at Anfield.

然后纷乱继起,秘鲁高地的各位地方首领为争夺珍稀的水源兵戎相见,又带兵到临近的村庄搜掠食物。In the ensuing turmoil, local chiefs across the Peruvian highlands battled over scarce water and led raiders into neighboring villages in search of food.

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缺了礼节,最亲密的朋友会变成死敌,友好或结盟的国家会兵戎相见。The lack of proprieties would make the most intimate friends turn to be the most decided enemies and the friendly or allied countries declare war against each other.

而且有很多证据表明在科学和经济上进行合作的国家兵戎相见的可能性就少了很多。And there is a lot of evidence that countries that are collaborating scientifically and economically are much less likely to find themselves at war against each other.

不同历史时期的空想家们给出了各种答案,甚至由于见解的不同,引发了意识形态斗争,直至兵戎相见。Utopian visionaries throughout history have given answers to this question and, to the extent to which these answers varied, have set off ideological controversies as well as wars.

两岸同胞都是中国人,如果因为中国的主权和领土被分裂,兵戎相见,骨肉相残,对两岸同胞都是极其不幸的。Are all Chinese compatriots on both sides, and if China's sovereignty and territory to be split and went to war and fratricidal on both sides of the Strait is extremely unfortunate.