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左侧有一扇门半掩着。A door to the left stood _.

左侧有一扇门半掩着。A door to the left stood ajar.

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我身体的左侧隐隐作痛。I have a pain in my left side.

遭到损坏的船只朝左侧倾斜。The damaged ship listed to port.

安装左侧的增压板壁。Fit plenum panel wall on the left.

体育馆右侧是家可以借书的图书馆,左侧是一个可以供避难者寄明信片的用纸板搭的邮箱。To the right is the lending library.

左侧有一扇门半掩着。We outflanked the enemy on the left.

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防御工事的左侧或右侧。We outflanked the enemy on the left.

拆下左侧的增压板壁。Remove plenum panel wall on the left.

电灶的颜色是蓝的。它位于房间的左侧。The cooker is blue,It is on the left.

几乎更换了左侧主起落架内侧轮胎。Almost replaced left-inside main tyre.

电灶的颜色是蓝色的。它位于房间的左侧。The cooker is blue. It si on teh left.

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左侧的锥体束不发育。The left pyramidal tract is undeveloped.

好了,由左侧部分我们得到了什么?Ok, so what we got on the left hand side?

左侧胫骨未作手术为正常对照。Left tibiae remained untreated as control.

向左侧和右侧移动你的脊柱。Move your spine to the right and left side.

汽车碰撞时左侧的翼自板夭坏了。The nearside wing was damaged in collision.

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下条街左转进入左侧车道。At next street, we turn left into left lane.

点击左侧边栏中的链接会进入该程序的主页。This will link to that application's homepage.

为什么是该组休克,位于左侧的?Why is the LRS shock located on the left side?