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她把那个旧的塑像扔掉了。She superseded the old statue.

这座塑像是用青铜铸成的。The statue was cast in bronze.

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那尊塑像风化得厉害。That stature has badly weathered.

塑像安放再台座上。The statue reposes on a pedestal.

这座塑像是玉雕的。The statue was carved out of jade.

塑像是用大理石雕的。The statue is carved out of marble.

拉文克劳的塑像上戴着它呢。Ravenclaw's wearing it in her statue.

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这就是永乐皇帝的塑像。This is the statue of Emperor Yongle.

那尊塑像保存了下来,但缺了一条腿。The statue survived though minus a leg.

一个蜡制的杜瓦木特夫神小塑像。a small wax figure of the god Duamutef.

与铬酸盐对待了模子塑像治疗。With chromate treated die cast treatment.

韩佳,这就是严子陵塑像吧?Han Jia, is this the statue of Yan Ziling?

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这个店里所有的塑像都是蜡制的。All the bodys in the shop are not do of wax.

坐佛塑像和供奉的鲜花。Seated Buddha statues with flower offerings.

每个木乃伊体内都有一个蜡制的小塑像。Inside every mummy there is a small wax figure.

我愿望教堂中有更多这样的塑像。I wish there were more such statues in churches.

在特拉法加广场有一尊纳尔逊的塑像。There is a statue of Nelson in Trafalgar Square.

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广场上竖起了一座孔子塑像。A statue of confucius was emplaced in the square.

冥顽不化的毛主义支持者在星期五欢庆塑像迁移。Unrepentant Maoists celebrated the move on Friday.

伊梅尔特的办公室里就有一尊里根的塑像。Mr. Immelt has a statue of Mr. Reagan in his office.