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不到一年,他们就搞了第一次整肃。Within a year, they held their first purge.

新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers.

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过程中,使他们的人工是什么使得它们很难被整肃,从人体。The process that makes them artificial is what makes them so hard to be purged from the body.

但在中国股票市场,监管部门通常会在推出新产品之前整肃市场。But in China's stock market, house cleaning by regulators often precedes the introduction of new products.

美国的顶级富豪常遭受习惯性公众整肃,不管是时运不济还是胡作非为被曝光。America's wealthiest are subject to a ritual public purge whenever hard times hit and excesses come to light.

6月份开始的戏剧性的广泛的整肃中许多老兵被监禁,来反对改革者。Dozens more campaigners have been jailed in a dramatic widening of the purge against reformists that began in June.

这三个人后来在德国整肃纳粹法庭上都被判处很重的徒刑,但结果只服了很短的一段时间。All three later drew stiff prison sentences from German denazification courts though, in the end, they served very little time.

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譬如,第一次号召大规模整肃是6月25日,可是迄今尚无人被开除党籍。The first major call for a purge, for instance, came on June 25, and yet so far almost nobody has been drummed out of the party.

对于某些人来说,可能这表明中国人真的在整肃体育之风,但其他人可能认为这是他们继续欺骗的证据。To some that might suggest the Chinese really are cleaning up the sport, but to others it is evidence that they continue to cheat.

也许,你越深究这件怪事儿,你越会明白中国学术界是多么需要整肃其行为了。Maybe. For the more you dig into this strange tale, the more illuminating it is of the need for Chinese science to clean up its act.

年抗议示威事件之后,时任新闻出版总署署长的杜导正因其改革派立场遭到整肃。Du was purged for his reformist positions as the head of the General Administration of Press and Publication after the 1989 protests.

穆沙拉夫的支持率在过去的一年中大幅下降,特别是在他施行六个星期的紧急状态法和整肃司法部门之后。Musharraf's ratings have plunged over the past year, especially after he imposed six weeks of emergency rule and purged the judiciary.

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那么,你认为它的明智有东西坐在周围,在你的身体后数天,在时间,同时也在期待反过来被整肃?So do you think it's wise to have that stuff sitting around IN your body for several days at a time while it waits its turn to be purged?

当时有很多传言称,王益被抓,标志着对中国国开行开始整肃,并可能对中国国开行权重的行长陈元构成挑战。Speculation was rife that the detention heralded a crackdown on CDB and a potential challenge to Chen Yuan, the bank's powerful president.

罕的政治理想就是领导要求变革的巴基斯坦人,掀起一场整肃巴基斯坦官场深度腐败的大规模运动。Mr Khan dreams of leading a mass movement of motivated Pakistanis calling for an Augean clean-up of the country's abysmally corrupt politics.

清朝初期,顺治帝接受了明朝灭亡的教训,更是为了安定民心,平息当时全国各地人民的抗清斗争,他非常重视整肃吏治。In early Qing Dynasty, Emperor Shun-chih took the lesson from Ming's f all and attached great importance to the rectification of his officers.

朝鲜日前针对的留长发的公民发起了一项新的整肃运动,即要求男性公民效仿金正恩,留起“雄心壮志”的发型。North Korea has launched a new purge, targeting citizens with long hair and ordering them to copy Kim Jong-un's much-mocked "ambitious" style.

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但那些脱北者,包括朝鲜队前教练,都说在国外输了,回国就要受惩罚,包括被“整肃”和扔到煤矿去挖煤。But defectors, including the ex-North Korea coach, said poor play overseas has meant punishment at home, including being "purged" and sent to coal mines.

四面八方都传来了口令声,从俘虏队的左边来了一队骑着骏马,军容整肃的骑兵。Shouted commands could be heard on all sides, and a party of well-dressed cavalry soldiers on good horses came trotting up from the left, making a circuit round the prisoners.

鸦片战争前后,道咸经世派针对当时严重的社会道德危机提出了“整肃人心”的思想。During and after Opium War, the time-saving school of Daoguang and Xianfeng put forward a doctrine to screw up public trend with a view to relieving the then serious moral crisis.