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在这儿用餐还是带走。B、Here, or to go?

一个正在用餐的痲疯病人。A leper who was eating a meal.

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一个正在用餐的痲疯病人。Courteously I came up to a man.

用餐时间是谈话的好时机。Mealtime is a time to dialogue.

你会到重罪弗兰克斯餐馆去用餐吗?Would you eat at Felony Franks?

敬辞您想何时用餐?。What time would you like to eat?

在这儿用餐还是带走。Are you dining here or out-to-go?

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我要订上张桌子在周六晚用餐。I need a table for Saturday night.

人们喜欢在自助餐厅用餐。People like to eat in a cafeteria.

那么好,祝用餐好运!Well then, good luck to the repast!

好的,给您。用餐愉快。AYes, , here you are. Enjoy your meal.

一天晚上,金正日在假日酒店用餐。One night, Kim dined at a Holiday Inn.

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许多用餐者喜欢一边喝汤一边吃面包。Many diners enjoy bread with their soup.

野餐式地用餐就是在户外吃饭。To picnic is to eat a meal out of doors.

用餐时所供应或可点要的饭菜。The dishes served or available at a meal.

我们经常跟我们的邻居一起用餐。We often have dinner with our neighbours.

需要用餐的旅客,请您将小桌板放下。Please put down the table in front of you.

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用餐后,她开始弹奏起竖琴让我们饮酒消食。She began to harp us to drink after dinner.

用餐时,我再次遇到博美罗伊先生。While having lunch, I met Mr Pomeroy again.

凭用餐代金券在太阳村食堂就餐。Meals are only provided with voucher payment.