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您所考虑的还款期是什么时候?What repayment period were you thinking of?

于是交易时,市政府按固定利率给银行还款。In exchange the city pays the bank a fixed rate.

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一些人把它作为一笔贷款和延期还款。Some structured it as a loan and deferred repayment.

他们协商出一个还款协议,还要给老石找份工作。He'd negotiate a truce a repayment plan a job search.

并使用这些信息来规划你还款的策略。Use this information to formulate a pay-back strategy.

我当初借了银行50万元,还款期是25年。I had borrowed 500,000 yuan, and the term was 25 years.

唯一可靠的缓解之法就是拖延希腊的还款期限。The only credible deterrent was letting Greece default.

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房主贷款公司说,别担心,如果房主不还款,我们来还The HOLC said, don't worry if they don't pay, we'll pay.

房主贷款公司说,别担心,如果房主不还款,我们来还。The HOLC said, don't worry if they don't pay, we'll pay.

银行向我发出了要求我在7天之内完成还款的催款书。The bank has made demand on me to repay the loan in 7 days.

如果你能负担起还款就可以安心了If you can afford the mortgage payment, then you're all set.

请求你的学生贷款商延长你的还款期限。Ask your student-loan servicer to extend your payback period.

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它是一个非常庞大的金额,在年底前的还款期。It is a very large payment at the end of the repayment period.

足够了,而且对我来说,还款期听起来不错。That'll be enough, and the repayment period sounds good to me.

还款之后所剩的任何钱都可以用来减少本金。Any remaining money from the payment is used to reduce principal.

阿特金斯表示,这是抵押贷款提前还款减少的结果。Mr. Atkins said that was the result of fewer mortgage prepayments.

他当时支持刺激借贷,并且敦促购房者将定期贷款换成可变利率,因而导致很多借贷者在利率上升时无法还款。He backed sub-prime lending and urged homebuyers to swap fixed-rate

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最终弗里曼一家证明自己可以继续完成还款。Eventually the Freemans proved they could keep up with the payments.

第二个最佳选择是每个月需要全额还款的签帐卡。Second bestare charge cards that require payment in full each month.

这笔再融资贷款最后还款期将是2011年2月。The final maturity for the amounts refinanced will be February 2011.