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哈,你想得倒好!Hah, you wish!

他们看我一眼,然后说,"说得倒好。They’ll look back at me, and say, “Right.

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他的请求倒好像是命令。His request was in the nature of a command.

然后,我就往盆里倒好温水,等着。Then I pour some warm water into the basin and wait.

我点上蜡烛,倒好酒,分好鸡肉。I light the candles, pour the wine, serve the chicken.

马克一声不响地给他们每人倒好饮料并端上来。Quietly Mark poured and served drinks for all of them.

眼睛所看的,比心里妄想的倒好。Better what the eye sees than the roving of the appetite.

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而且,如果你象我一样有一个大的罩杯,就会需要恰倒好处的支撑。‘Also, if you’re a bigger cup like me you need the correct support.

我从未碰到过这种麻烦,可现在倒好,胶卷两次卡了同样久的时间。I've had no trouble of this kind and now two jams in as many minutes.

她险些忘记了可怜的杜洛埃,他唠唠叨叨地倒好象他是主人。She almost forgot poor drouet, who babbled on as if he were the host.

在巴黎,至少,没有人认识你,彼此不相识,倒好象有了件蔽体的衣服。In Paris, at least, no one knows you, and this obscurity is a garment.

你们倒好,站在那里闲聊。我们怎么办?。It's all right for you, standing around there chatting. What about us?

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招待生把酒倒好后,这个牛仔一口气把它们喝完了。The bartender pours out the shots, and the cowboy drinks them as fast as he can.

她倒好象极其幸福,而且,用普通人的眼光来看,她这门婚姻当然攀得很好。She seems perfectly happy, however, and in a prudential light, it is certainly a very good match for her.

为啥你过去连话都不敢对他闺女说,现在倒好,跟她勾勾搭搭起来了?And how is it that his daughter, with whom you never dared speak before, is now on such friendly terms with you?

“你死了倒好,布里老兄,”马丁喃喃地说,让那杂志从膝盖之间滑落到地上。"Pretty good thing you died, Briss, old man, " Martin murmured, letting the magazine slip between his knees to the floor.

今天倒好,天堂有路你不走,地狱无门你偏来都,你现在只能成为我的盘中餐了!Daohao today in heaven, there are roads you do not go , hell no one to turn to have your side, you can be my Panzhong Can a!

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当你下次看到果蝇在你的厨房里徘徊的时候。拿出一个比较好的喷雾瓶,倒好酒精。The next time you see fruit flies hovering in the kitchen, get out a fine-misting spray bottle and fill it with rubbing alcohol.

"目前,我不支持提高债务上限,"Bachmann表示,"过去两年国会像在开一个盛大的派对,挥霍无度,现在倒好,他们回避起问题,躲在一边袖手旁观....还嘲笑我们,看我们如何解决这场严重的支出危机?""At this point, I am not in favor of raising the debt ceiling," Bachmann said. "Congress has had a big party the last two years.

倒好龙舌兰和橘子汁后,滴入适量石榴糖浆,它会沉到底部,搅拌着饮料看太阳升起吧!Build the tequila and orange juice and then drop the grenadine on top of drink. It will sink to the bottom. Stir to watch the sun rise!