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这部影片中充斥着暴力和凶杀。This film is stuffed with blood and murder.

那部影片中出现了极其可怕的凶杀场面。The film showed the most horrific murder scenes.

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在俄罗斯,买凶杀人多数已形成了体系。In Russia, contract-killing is more systematized.

调茶在继续,凶杀在衔接发作。Adjustable tea continues, and murder in connection happen.

方法回顾性分析近年来已破获的4例凶杀碎尸案档案资料。Method the data about 4 cases of homicide are retrospectively analyzed.

把凶杀神秘的故事留到白天看,尽量挑一些无聊的书。Save the murder mysteries for daytime and pick up a boring book for sleep.

黑夜可以让大多数人安睡,但它既庇护着休息,也隐匿着凶杀。The night sheds sleep on the multitude-but it harbors murder as well as rest.

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现场并没有破门而入的痕迹,调查者认为没有凶杀的可能。There were no signs of a break-in and investigators do not suspect foul play.

许多家长批评电视节目太多凶杀和枪战。Many parents blame that there is too much violence and gunplay in TV programs.

您看,在凶杀发生的那天早晨,8点钟的那次车根本没有发。You see, on the morning of the murder, the 8 o'clock train did not run at all.

哪里有过凶杀抢劫,哪里出现过幽灵,我均能一一告知。I knew every spot where a murder or robbery hadbeen committed, or a ghost seen.

从那时起,这种有争议的辩护就被用在凶杀审判中,多达60次以上。Since then, the controversial defence has been used in murder trials more than 60 times.

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事实上,某种程度上我们是为了确保自己不会那么残忍,才一再关注连环凶杀。In fact, one reason we gawk is to reassure ourselves that we could never do such a thing.

又不悔改他们那些凶杀、邪术、奸淫、偷窃的事。Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.

警察仔细搜寻了凶杀现场,只找到一个仍在黑暗中冒着轻烟的烟头。All that remained as policemen combed through the murdering site was a dog-end smoking in the dark.

专家表示,职场暴力事件有很多类型,包括骚扰、恐吓、暴力和凶杀。Workplace violence can range from harassment and intimidation to violence and homicides, experts say.

不论是好莱坞的凶杀,悬念惊险片,浪漫故事还是喜剧片,它们都让我紧张,流泪,捧腹大笑。Be it a murder mystery, suspense thriller, romance or comedy, they always make me panic, laugh or cry.

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42有几个证人都作证说当波特被带到凶杀现场时,他表现出了畏罪行为。Several witnesses deposed concerning Potter's guilty behavior when brought to the scene of the murder.

有几个证人都供述了波特被带到凶杀场所的畏罪行动。Several witnesses deposed concerning potter's guilty behavior when brought to the scene of the murder.

暴力犯罪在中国相对比较罕见,中国的凶杀率低于很多主要国家。Violent crime remains relatively rare in China, whose homicide rate is below that of many major nations.