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这边的热量是。q1 And it's got q1.

太阳放射出热量。The sun radiates heat.

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这意味着没有热量传递,没有功。It means no heat, no work.

总热量是160卡路里。Total calories are only 160.

一个百吉卷有多少卡路里的热量?How many calories in a bagel?

让我们假设没有热量流动。Let's say there's no heat flow.

那么热量就是问题所在,对吗?So, heat is the problem, right?

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为什么会产生这种巨大的热量?Why generate this kind of heat?

那是一个极好的热量。That heat is a fantastic amount.

辣椒通常提供热量。Chilies usually provide the heat.

那么,这些失踪的热量去哪儿了呢?So where did the missing heat go?

偶只是一束没有热量的火焰。I'm just a flame without the heat.

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LFN型无加热器及制热量。LFN-type heater and heat capacity.

限制热量就是解决方案吗?Is caloric restriction the solution?

糖分会增加食物的热量。Sugar increases the energy of foods.

对吗,熵的变化dS大于热量dq除以温度。T That dS is greater than dq over T.

根本就没有所谓的负热量食物。There Are No Negative-Calorie Foods.

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柿子还富含膳食纤维和热量。They are rich in fiber and calories.

热量来自砖砌的柴火炉子。The heat comes from brick wood stove.

因为它是与环境隔绝的,因此没有热量交换。Since it's isolated, no heat is added.