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他是一个不得人心的国王。He's an extremely unpopular king.

立法机关废除了不得人心的租借法案。The legislature repealed the unpopular Rent Act.

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他必须对一场不得人心的战争作出艰难抉择。He will have to make tough decisions about an unpopular war.

据说,张成泽不得人心,而且与多名高官不和。Chang is said to be unpopular and at odds with some top generals.

他的发言是对不得人心的新政策的迎头痛斥。His speech is a head-on denunciation of the unpopular new policy.

不过,虽然父王倍受尊崇,但这位王子却懦弱且不得人心。But while his father is revered, the prince is feared and unpopular.

高价的食物和饮用水使得政府更加不得人心。The high price of food and water is making governments more disliked.

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我深深地认为,美国现已不得人心。I have a very strong sense that America has lost its way in the world.

她太不得人心了,没有一个人肯替她说情。She was so unpopular that on one could be found to put in a word for her.

不得人心这事,如果干的好,叫曲高和寡。Lose public support this matter, if stem of good, call a song Gao with few.

约翰头脑灵活,谙熟业务,可就是不得人心。John is smart and knows the business backwards, but people don't believe in him.

联邦层级的第一个政治牺牲品是不得人心的内政部长。The first political casualty at the federal level was the unpopular home minister.

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他表示,偏见和谎言站不住脚,冷战思维不得人心。Prejudice and lies are untenable and the Cold War mentality has no popular support.

办事不公的人不得人心。Those who are unjust in their manner of doing things lose the support of the people.

波茨先生总是把同事当作下级,这点使他不得人心。The impression that Mr. Potts regarded his colleagues as inferiors made him unpopular.

紧接着,由于玛丽·安托瓦内特的不得人心,这句话也就被——不公平地——划到她名下了。And, because of Marie-Antoinette’s unpopularity, it was – unfairly – attributed to her.

被压迫的人民起来反抗所受的不公正对待并且推翻了不得人心的君主。The oppressed people rose against unjust treatment and dethroned the unpopular monarch.

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第二次中日战争严重削弱了国民党的力量,再加上国民党政府实施的政策不得人心,所以国民党在战后的中国处于很不利的局面。The war left the Nationalists severely weakened and their policies left them unpopular.

导致去年秋季爱尔兰只能接受不得人心的救助计划的正是海外储户挤提。It is an international bank run that pushed Ireland into its unpopular bailout last fall.

“血腥的星期日”和“波将金号兵变”的部分原因是战争的不得人心。Bloody Sunday and the Potemkin Mutiny were both partly caused by the unpopularity of the war.