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往锅里放一茶匙盐。Put a teaspoonful of salt into the pan.

把两茶匙糖放在面包上。Put two teaspoons of sugar on the bread.

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加些糖怎么样?两茶匙行吗?。What about some sugar? Two teaspoonfuls?

加1茶匙伏特加可以延长保存期限。To increase its life add 1 teaspoon vodka.

加一茶匙柠檬皮到汤里增添风味。Add one teaspoon of lemon zest to the soup.

1大汤匙或是1茶匙中国绍兴黄酒teaspoon Chinese Shaoxing cooking rice wine

加入一茶匙香草精,两杯牛奶和冰块,搅拌,饮用。Add two cups milk and some ice. Blend and drink.

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如果愿意,也可以加一茶匙的白兰地。If desired, add a teaspoon of apple brandy, too.

以每日1-2茶匙作为膳食补充剂。Take 1-2 teaspoons daily as a dietary supplement.

请帮我在汤里放一茶匙的盐。Please help me put a teaspoon of salt in the soup.

每顿饭后吃两茶匙的药。Take two teaspoonfuls of the medicine after meals.

在雪果中加一茶匙香草精。Add a teaspoon of vanilla extract to the milk shake.

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接着再加入3茶匙的接骨木果干一齐研碎。Into that add 3 tsp of dried elderberries and crush.

可以随意饮用。1茶匙茶叶加入8安士的水。Take as often as desired. 1 tsp tea to 8 oz of water.

用茶匙铲煤是荒缪可笑的。It will be preposterous to shovel coal with a teaspoon.

加入1茶匙鱼露来提升鲜味的效果。Add 1 tsp of fish sauce for umami or fifth-taste effect.

你的牛奶里要加多少茶匙的糖?。How many teaspoonfuls of sugar do you want in your milk?

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我们需要两杯酸乳酪和三茶匙蜂蜜。We need two cups of yogurt and three teaspoons of honey.

加一茶匙的糖和等量的盐。Add a teaspoonful of sugar and the same quantity of salt.

准备1/4茶匙香菜籽,1/4茶匙的小茴香和1/4茶匙的茴香籽,混合1.5升的热水,饮用一整天。Mix with 1.5 litres of hot water. Sip throughout the day.