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这项计划雄心勃勃。The program is laudably ambitious.

希拉里也是一个雄心勃勃的女孩。Hilary is also an ambitious50 girl.

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该议程是雄心勃勃的,这也是必须的。The agenda is ambitious, asit has to be.

弗洛伊德是一位雄心勃勃的优秀学生。Freud was a good student, and very ambitious.

我雄心勃勃想继承一些财产。I have the ambition to inherit some property.

首先,你们的议程雄心勃勃,勇气十足。First, your agenda is ambitious and courageous.

对于她的父亲和我是无可救药雄心勃勃。For father and myself she was incurably ambitious.

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全区域范围的成功能通向更加雄心勃勃的目标。Region-wide success leads to more ambitious targets.

而现在你要雄心勃勃地挑战你的团队,令团队做出变化。Now you challenge your team to change aspirationally.

他雄心勃勃又勤奋好学,一定会有成就的。Being ambitious and diligent, he is sure to get there.

那时的RTC似乎是引发争议且雄心勃勃的。The RTC seemed controversial and ambitious at the time.

吸引像吴宝珠这样雄心勃勃的人回国将是一个开端。Luring back high-fliers such as Mr Chau would be a start.

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这一雄心勃勃的项目定能创造出令世人惊叹的成果。The result of our ambitious project will amaze the community.

鹿特丹公约重新打开窗口,雄心勃勃的架构。For Rotterdam it re-opens the window to ambitious architecture.

这个努力是中国雄心勃勃的人类空间飞行计划的一部分。The effort is part of China's ambitious human spaceflight plans.

但努尔丁是不会独自面对这位雄心勃勃的下属的。However, Nur al-Din was not alone in facing ambitious underlings.

两年后,拉托娅·勒基特与这群雄心勃勃的学龄少女相汇合。Two years later, LaToya Luckett hooked up with the ambitious grade?

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所以对于出版商来说,雄心勃勃的数字化已经成为一种必要抉择。So for trade publishers, ambitious digitisation has become the norm.

但它同时也是对我们使用电脑的方式的雄心勃勃的反思。But it also represents an ambitious rethinking of how we use computers.

安妮-索菲·穆特的“莫扎特计划”确实是雄心勃勃。Anne-Sophie Mutter's "Mozart Project" has been nothing if not ambitious.