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不要推托找借口!Don't refuse or make excuses!

对方推托说这次耽搁是无法避免的。The other made excuse for unavoidable delay.

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警察的报告书里充满推托之辞。The police report was filled with weasel words.

史蒂芬把他敷衍了一番,往后推托了一个星期。Stephen sweetened him up and put him off a week.

“我不能在这里签字,我不懂这是什么,”我推托道。“I can’t sign that, I don’t understand it,” I pleaded.

他的遗体经过解剖后,两名医生还在互相推托着责任。After the autopsy the doctors blamed each other for the death

“就是一本书呗,”她推托着说,提心吊胆地四下看看。It's just a book, " she said evasively, looking about with apprehension."

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董事会对于给工人增加工资这个问题一直推托。The board of directors has been fudging on the question of pay increases for the workers.

“可是,”我说,“亲爱的朋友,既然是责任就无法推托,哪怕是又臭又长也只能如此。”"Then, " I said, "my dear friend, the task must not be given up, even if somewhat long. "

一种替代作用的幼稚出现了,因为有人过早推托了当孩子的任务。A deputizing childishness that grew because someone—much too soon— gave up his mission to be a child.

乃缦因为想治好他的大痲疯,也以为自己被人多番推托而感到气愤。Naaman was frustrated by the runaround he thought he was getting as he sought a cure for his leprosy.

在流失了10年,推托并毫无行动之后,我们不会再等到另一次会议或者另一个十年。Not later at another conference, in another decade, after we have lost 10 years to delay and inaction.

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查寻推托抢救围场和道奇破烂物围场全国各地没有曾经留下您的计算机。Search Dodge salvage yards and Dodge junk yards across the country without ever leaving your computer.

但是大老爷认不出这位客人,便推托自己的视力不好,问客人贵姓。The host did not recognize his guest, and excusing himself by a plea of failing sight, asked his name.

这时,高建花总是堆满笑脸,按照娱乐场所老板所推托的时间再次上门。At this time, flowers are always full of smiles Goh, according to entertainment boss quibble time to the park.

另外一些则说没有人要求他们把评估结果共享,或者推托他们没有时间这样做。Others said simply that they were not asked to share their assessments, or that they did not have time to do so.

政府把不安全的责任推托给女性个人,长远来看会使社会更加不安。By shifting responsibility from the state to the individual woman, they make society more unsafe in the long run.

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另外,要是独生子女做错了事,他们可没机会将责任推托给兄弟或姐妹。Also, only children never have the opportunity to put the blame on a brother or sister for something they've done wrong.

您刚才还在教我遇到人家请吃饭的时候怎么去编造一个可信的借口来推托。Ah, take care, you were teaching me just now how, in case of an invitation to dinner, one might creditably make an excuse.

哎呀,真得当心!您刚才还在教我遇到人家请吃饭的时候怎么去编造一个可信的借口来推托。Ah, take care, you were teaching me just now how, in case of an invitation to dinner, one might creditably make an excuse.