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长曲棍球运动中使用的球。The stick used in lacrosse.

瑶瑶经常打曲棍球。Yao Yao often plays hockey.

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他们正在打曲棍球。They were playing at hockey.

曲棍球起源于英国。Hockey originated from England.

他们不关注曲棍球。They don't pay attention to hockey.

冰上曲棍球是一项很费脑力的运动。Ice hockey is a really cerebral game.

我曾经是该冰上曲棍球队的副队长。I was vice captain of the hockey team.

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你什么时候起会关注曲棍球赛了?Since when do you care about lacrosse ?

他是个在“一对一”的比赛中很厉害的曲棍球选手。He is a great face-off player in hockey.

丹尼会两项运动,长柄曲棍球和足球。He plays 2 sports, lacrosse and football.

他玩两种运动项目,长曲棍球和足球。He plays two sports, lacrosse and football.

我喜欢祖卡列特。这是一个芬兰曲棍球球队。I like Jokerit. It's a Finnish hockey team.

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艾玲,第一个问题,在曲棍球史上谁被称为是“伟人”?。In hockey, who is known as "The Great One"?

莫妮卡当曲棍球队守门员的外号为何?。Monica's nickname when she was a hockey goalie?

事实上去年我甚至尝试去玩了玩长曲棍球。Actually last year I even tried playing lacrosse.

他最喜欢滑雪,再就是曲棍球。Next to skiing her favourite sport is ice-hockey.

曲棍球是类似于英式足球的户外体育比赛。Field hockey is an outdoor game similar to soccer.

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来自加拿大的士兵穿着球鞋,进行一场曲棍球比赛。Personnel from Canada play a hockey match in sneakers.

足球和冰上曲棍球是亚军的三巨头。Soccer and ice hockey are runners-up to the Big Three.

后院里没有长曲棍球网和其他装备。A lacrosse net and equipment could be seen in the yard.