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“我们已手到擒来,”林肯说。"We had them, " Lincoln said.

语言学习对有些人来说手到擒来。Languages come easily to some people.

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对他来说,娶得美妻就像搞情人一样手到擒来。The beautiful wife is as inevitable as the mistresses.

弗爵爷知道对富勒姆的胜利,并非手到擒来。Sir Alex knows victory over Fulham is far from a formality.

你以为你的胜利手到擒来,但是你错了。You thought your victory was inevitable, but you were wrong.

素姬女士说她将争取一个手到擒来的议会席位。Ms Suu Kyi says that she herself will contest one of the seats up for grabs.

第二关难度要比第一关稍有提高,不过想要取胜也手到擒来。The second tank will get a little trickier , but is still pretty easy to win.

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要知道,想找到个心灵相通的伴侣有多难,可是他们俩好像手到擒来!You know, most people find it difficult to find their soul mate , but they've made it extremely easy!

拥有全明星阵容的国际奥委会显然是最受欢迎的,但他们也不会手到擒来的。With a celebrated line-up, IOC were clear favourites. But even they would not have expected a cakewalk.

这些在过去他可以不花心思、手到擒来的事儿,突然间仿佛变戏法一般难以驾驭。What had once been a thing so easy it didn't even bear thinking about had suddenly become a trick akin to juggling.

和加拿大的孙辈们不同,他并不追求那种手到擒来的满足,而是乐于顺其自然,享受符合自然规律的生活。But then, unlike his Canadian grandchildren, he does not crave instant gratification, and is happy to live within the cycle of nature.

如果凯尔特人的板凳匪徒们都能打出如此凶猛的水准,那么连续第二枚总冠军戒指也是手到擒来。If Celts's backless stool gangsters can split out the so fierce standard, then the second total champion ring is also easy continuously.

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对于那些想要获得更快处理海量数据和抗干扰技术能力的运营商,爱立信凭借所拥有的规模和技术优势可以手到擒来。Ericsson's scale and technical edge are handy when, say, talking to mobile operators wanting to handle lots of data faster and without interference.