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群众是通情达理的。The masses are reasonable.

他们会通情达理地跟我们讨论事情。They would discuss things with us reasonably.

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男人最好的财富是有一位通情达理的贤妻。The best wealth of man have a considerate wife.

你不能把傻头傻脑的笨蛋改造成通情达理的人。You cannot improve a dull booby into a man of sense.

他以前养了一只通情达理的狗,姓名叫“黄耳”。He used to have a reasonable dog, the name call "yellow ear".

艾略特夫人是位难得的妇女,通情达理而又和蔼可亲。Lady Elliot HAD been an excellent woman, sensible and amiable.

从上帝而来的意念会让你和蔼可亲、通情达理。An impression from God will make you more gracious and forgiving.

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而乔杜里的律师马丁·德鲁杨则表示,这一裁决“非常通情达理”。Martin Druyan, Choudhri's lawyer, called the ruling "very reasonable.

瞧,大卫,元首非常通情达理他提供保证。Look, David, the Fuehrer is being very reasonable. He offers guarantees.

我是一位中国传统的女士,诚实、友善、通情达理、热爱生活。I'm a Chinese woman of tradition. I'm honesty, amicability and love life.

一个更加通情达理、有理性,而且恰当表达感情的人。A more understanding, yes rational, but also appropriately emotional person.

在世界杯期间能表现得“通情达理”,“举止规范”。Mr Brokenshire said he wanted fans to be "sensible" and "behave themselves".

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我是个很文雅的女人,我有包容心、善良、有趣、通情达理。Well, I am a very elegant woman. I am tolerant, kind, funny and understanding.

嘿,乔治·巴比特,你像剃刀口那么宽宏大量,通情达理。Why, George Babbitt, you're about as broad-minded and liberal as a razor-blade.

我注意到一个低层升上来的老板通常比较通情达理。I've noticed that a boss is usually more understanding if he has risen from the ranks.

也许他们中的一些人正准备从原教旨主义变得更通情达理些。Perhaps some of them are getting ready to convert from fundamentalism to common sense.

克里克远为通情达理,他相信弗兰克林已经做了“关键的实验工作”。Crick was far more gracious, crediting Franklin with having done "the key experimental work."

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让我们认真而通情达理地看一下,如果这一建议被采纳的话,会有什么样的结果。Lett us take a serious, reasonable look at what the results might be if such a proposal were accepted.

博尔德伍德从来没这样挑剔过,对式样也从来没这样不通情达理过,总之,很难使他满意。Never had Boldwood been so fastidious , unreasonable about the fit, and generally difficult to please.

农民对他们的画不感兴趣,但他们知道这些人是通情达理有学问的人。The peasants were not interested in their art, but they knew these people were reasonable and knowledgable.