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文献综述部分有二篇。There are two literature summaries.

文献综述部分有三篇。There are three literature summaries.

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第三章综述女性哥特。Chapter Three focuses on Female Gothic.

本文就纳豆的功能进行综述。Its function is reviewed in this paper.

邢永忠,水稻产量的基因分子基础,综述。Genetic and Molecular Basis of Rice Yield.

综述了台湾海军、空军的武器装备现状。Missile status of Air and Navy are reviewed.

本文对前人的研究进行了文献综述。This paper makes a summary about formers' studies.

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这是一篇有关松节油利用的综述。This article reviews the utilization of turpentine.

鉴于此,对规划领域定义语言的演进进行综述。This paper gives a review on the evolution of PDDL.

综述了有关离子液体在生物催化方面的应用。Use of ionic liquids in biocatalysis are discussed.

对国内外对翻领成形器的研究作了简要综述。A survey on recent studies of lapel shaper was made.

本文对目前UII在肾脏的作用作一综述。So this article reviews the effect of UII on kidney.

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现就诺丽作用机制的研究进展作一综述。The recent advances in noni researches are reviewed.

对短杆菌肽S的研究进展进行了综述。Advances in the studies of Gramicidin S are reviewed.

第2章为研究综述与理论基础。Chapter 2 is "Literature Review", including two parts.

本文综述了烷氧基重排反应。Rearrangement reactions of alkoxy groups are reviewed.

综述了机械合金化的发展情况。The development of mechanical alloying was summarized.

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综述了农药氟虫腈的合成方法。The synthesis of insecticide fipronil is investigated.

本文为初发表于2013年的综述更新。This is an update of a review first published in 2013.

这仅仅只是对政治的综述。it's, it's just general things about politics, really.