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渔民因此头昏目眩而怨声载道。Fishermen complain of dizziness.

你可以听到交易厅中怨声载道。You can hear the hollering on the floor.

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公民对苛捐杂税怨声载道。The citizens complained to heaven about the tax burden.

CFA考生在互联网聊天室里怨声载道。Internet chat rooms are packed with frustrated CFA candidates.

它们会怨声载道,说这是保护主义,但那又怎么样呢?They will complain bitterly that this is protectionism, but so what?

马来西亚人的怨声载道,会像印度尼西亚喀拉喀托火山般最终爆发吗?Will the Krakatau of the Malaysian rumbling and grumbling finally erupt?

驻军噪音扰民甚至从事犯罪活动,当地居民怨声载道。Local residents often complain about noise and crime associated with the bases.

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雷切尔怨声载道她的孩子,并不能得到安慰,因为他们是没有意义的。Rachel bewailing her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.

再回到的贾拉佐里难民营,在经历了六十年的流亡生活后,难民们怨声载道。Back in the Jalazone refugee camp the refugees are bitter after 60 years of exile.

到1696年,托利党的乡绅们和阿姆斯特丹的市民都对苛捐杂税怨声载道。By 1696, with Tory squires and Amsterdam burghers complaining about excessive taxes.

该协议不仅激怒了中巴两国,也让NSG内部和外部的其他国家怨声载道。The deal incensed not just China and Pakistan but many others, inside and outside the NSG.

在大家的军旅生活中,你们经常怨声载道,把演习训练称为“鸡屎”。All through your Army careers, you men have bitched about what you call "chicken shit drilling".

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因为许多的美国议员对于联邦政府胡乱的印刷美元怨声载道。Various state legislators are disgusted by the federal government’s promiscuous dollar-printing.

皮肤好了之后用彩妆品会效果好很多,DIOR的粉底怨声载道。Well, after the skin will be effective with a lot of cosmetics, DIOR the foundation complaining.

在一定程度上可以说是以色列,当地人民对于飞涨的食品,住房,教育价格怨声载道。Some point to Israel, where public unhappiness focused on the cost of food, housing and education.

但是台州的居民和工人们对当地被污染的水、空气和腐臭的土地早已怨声载道。But residents and workers in Taizhou have long complained about water, air and fields putrid with pollution.

“人们对此怨声载道,”他说。当患有精神疾病时,“许多焦虑都以胸口痛的形式表现出来。”"They have a variety of complaints, " he said. With mental illness, "a lot of anxiety manifests as chest pain. "

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胡锦涛将会听到对中国行业行为的怨声载道,自主创新仅仅是冰山一角而已。Mr. Hu will get an earful about China's industrial practices, regarding much more than just indigenous innovation.

只不过是去年,全港市民才为住宅及商业楼宇价格高企而怨声载道。Only last year the whole community was rightly bewailing the high price of property, both residential and commercial.

那个时候我个人的印象是,没有人真正需要宽慰和保证,除了那些怨声载道的专家们。My own impression at the time was that nobody really needed comfort or reassurance, except the pundits who complained.