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有限数目的状态。Finite number of states.

使永恒在有限里得以延续。That lasts in the finity.

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你的词汇量是有限的Your vocabulary is finite.

宇宙有限论是甚麽?What is cosmological finitism?

接着利用有限元软件MSC。The finite element program MSC.

名额有限,快“赞好”啦!"Like" quick, offer is limited.

IRQ线是有限的资源。IRQ lines are a limited resource.

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应用大型通用有限元分析软件MSC。With finite element software MSC.

时间既是有限的又是无限的。Time is finite and infinite. i def.

你想在有限的时间里做更多的事You want to do more with your time.

纪律能帮到你的始终有限。Discipline will only get you so far.

我只认识有限的几个汉字。I only know a few Chinese characters.

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老子的耐心是有限的!We're ruing out of patience with you.

正弦和余弦都是有限大小的数sine and cosine are definite numbers.

资助艺术浪费我们有限的公共资金。Art funding lavishes our public funds.

但是布什总统今年的安排很有限。But this year his schedule is limited.

音符是有限的,但音乐是无限的。Keys are finite, but you are infinite.

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我们的自控力是有限的。Our supply of self-control is limited.

名额有限,请即预约!Seats are limited, please reserve now!

她可以四处走动都是有限的。She was able to walk around limitedly.