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衬托着生动的白与红。In living white and red.

也是个生动的发现And it's a robust finding.

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那些绘画非常生动。The paintings were so vivid.

这种信念对我们来说并不生动鲜明。The belief's not vivid for us.

这深夜里弦子的生动。To the liveliness of the strings.

所以这是非常生动的歌词So it's a very vivid kind of text.

拉克尔先生提出了许多生动的观点。Mr Laqueur makes many telling points.

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这么美丽生动的玉兰花!A vivid and beautiful magnolia flower!

有些现场演示非常生动有趣。Some of live demo were very impressive.

大的生动有趣的按钮引发人们购买。Big juicy buttons inspire people to buy.

她对她的旅行作了一场生动的描述。She made a vivid description of her tour.

地球上充满了所有陆生动物。The earth was full of these land animals.

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这本书生动地描写了未来世界。The book pictured the world of the future.

她精彩的演讲让这场讲座生动起来。Her brilliant speech jazzed up the lecture.

我们数学教师能把他的课上得生动有趣。Our maths teacher can make his classes fun.

她生动叙述了自己惊险刺激的事。She gave a lively account of her adventures.

诗篇饰以生动的画像。The poetry was bespangled with vivid imagery.

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不要忽略感官细节,注意生动性。Don't omit sensory details and a bit of color.

这是一首生动地描绘人类毁灭的诗文。This is a verse photographing the human ruins.

一部有趣生动,充满戏剧性的电影。Funny, furious, and full of front-office drama.