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这句话同样适用于新长安。It applies equally to new Changan.

唐代建都长安。The Tang Dynasty made Chang'an its capital.

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我对长安福特马自达长期的成功充满信心。I have confidence in CFMA's long-term success.

长安一片月,万户捣衣声。Chang'an a month, million pound clothing sound.

长安汽车是中国六大汽车集团之一。Changan is one of China’s six biggest auto groups.

长安回望绣成堆,山顶千门次第开。I look back Chang'an hilltop embroidered in multicolor.

这场意外发生在南京西路与长安西路十字路口。I'm at the cross of Dongfeng West Road and Jiefang Road.

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千年前的古长安,千年后的新西安。Years ago the ancient Chang'an, the new millennium Xi'an.

云白山青万余里,愁看直北是长安。White cloud mountain million, I look straight north of Changan.

花了整整十九年的时间,最后回到了长安。The whole trip took him 19 years before he returned to Chang'an.

秦琼来到长安,忽然被一蒙面人士约见。QinQiong came to changan, suddenly by a masked people appointment.

难不成长安已经有了喜欢的男人了?Is complicated not to grow up Anne have already had a favorite man?

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新安之后便是潼关——逼近长安的最后关口。New Anne woulds be a Tong pass after-approach Chang-an of end pass.

成都站夺冠后,长安福特车队在鄂尔多斯将面临更大的挑战。The team is facing an uphill battle in Ordos after the Chengdu win.

历史上的丝绸之路东起长安,西抵君士坦丁堡。The historic Silk Road starts in Chang'an and goes to Constantinople.

长安红着眼眶点点头,手里攥的紧紧地。Is Chang-an red the eye socket point nod, Zuan in the hand of tightly.

劝说杨坚先回长安看看杨勇改变了多少。Persuade YangJian going back to changan to see how much YangYong change.

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沿着长安路笔直走,到第一个红绿灯后左转。Keep going along Chang An Road and turn left at the first traffic lights.

武则天长安年间开始在原址重建大雁塔,在规格上有所改变。At that time the Empress ordered to rebuild the tower on the former address.

我就读于西安科技大学的长安校区。I am currently a student at Chang'an, Xi'an University of Technology campus.