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“我很担心会不会有阳光,”村上隆操着一口地道的日式英语侃侃而谈。"I was thinking about sunshine, " Mr. Murakami said in his broken English.

非常感谢你给我这个机会让我在这可以侃侃而谈,分享我这微不足道的经验。Maki thanks for the opportunity for letting me ramble on and share my two cents.

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正当他站在白宫西厢讲台上侃侃而谈时,对奥巴马先生的怀疑简直是从天而降。The disbelief fairly dripped from Mr. Obama as he stood at the West Wing lectern.

韦恩在拉斯维加斯永利度假村他的别墅早餐时侃侃而谈。Wynn is speaking casually, freely, during breakfast at his villa at Wynn Las Vegas.

有些人就是能够在众人面前侃侃而谈,他们有本事让房间里的所有人笑得前仰后合。There are naturally funny people who can make a whole room erupt in hysterical laughter.

他用一个开怀的笑容回应了地球人,丢掉手中的铁锹,坐下来侃侃而谈。He returned the compliment with a wide blue smile, dropped his shovel and sat down to talk.

或许你在团队会议上,可以就自己的论点侃侃而谈。Perhaps you're already speaking up in team meetings and getting your ideas across effectively.

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从评论语气上看,此类评论多是“姑妄言之”,侃侃而谈,点到为止。From the perspective of the comment mood, the commentator often speaks with fervour and assurance.

他们会侃侃而谈,即使是谈话中短暂的停顿,他们也要填补。They will talk continually to fill any pause in a conversation, even if it lasts only for a moment.

“真主对我们仁慈啊,我出生才6个月,我们就去了圣城麦地那,”他侃侃而谈。“Then God was gracious to us as we went to Holy Medina six months after I was born, ” he continued.

坐在学生辅导室的孙老师,陪访客侃侃而谈一个下午。Sitting in the student guidance office, Sun Ta-wha chatted amiably with her guests for an afternoon.

今天,当有新加入的朋友再次问起我关于这里的一切,我会侃侃而谈,也会重复同样的话。Today, when a newly added friend again asks me about everything here, I will tell him the same words.

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起初,在采访刚开始的几分钟里连姆·尼森对他的新作品侃侃而谈。At the start, in the first few minutes of the interview, Liam Neeson is chatty about his upcoming work.

我已备好若干话题,既能吸引高手侃侃而谈,又能迎合菜鸟的口味爱好。I've prepared a number of topics that should appeal to both the advanced and novice conversationalists.

初次见到云燕是在上海,侃侃而谈、落落大方是她给我的第一感觉。It was in Shanghai that I met Yunyan first. I was deeply impressed by her conversation and her manners.

有位叫做玛丽的妇女,此前曾三次试图自杀,此时面带微笑对着自己的录像带侃侃而谈。A woman named Mary, who had attempted suicide three times before, smiled and spoke cheerily on her tape.

当你在电视上看到我,手拿奖杯侃侃而谈时,不要看我穿了什么,或者说了什么,那都只是表演。No matter what you see me or hear me saying when I'm on your TV holding a statuette spewing, that's acting.

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我们讨论奥林匹克,讨论环境保护,妙语连珠,侃侃而谈。Talking about the Olympic games, discussing the environmental problems by witty remark with assurance and composure.

他们对这个主题都侃侃而谈,希望与记录保持距离,担心得罪华府的人。They were all expansive on the topic, and all wanted to stay off the record, for fear of offending people in Washington.

对我来说,我们几乎每个人都可以就世界的秘密侃侃而谈,因为我们每一个人都拥有一种独特的世界观。To me, almost every one of us is a raconteur of the world's secrets, because each one of us possesses a unique world view.